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Too much sugar in the blood can cause faintness, but many other conditions can cause it too. The best advice is to see a physician.

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Q: Do you have too much sugar in your blood if you feel faint?
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Why do you feel so sick after eating marshmallows?

It is likely from ingesting too much sugar.

How do a person feel when losing to much blood?

You feel weak, dizzy, nauseous, and eventually very sleepy.

Why is sugar recommended for a hypo as opposed to starch?

1) Sugar converts to glucose much faster than starch 2) Sugar is digested quicker than starch 3) Sugar raises blood sugar level in the body quicker

Does sugar cause sexual weakness in men?

Yes and no.The No.Sugar is needed to maintain a healthy blood pressure. If your sugar is too low, then your blood pressure will be too low. Since the male penis relies on blood pressure to form an erection, low blood sugar is a problem here.The Yes.Too much sugar can cause reduced production of testosterone and therefore reduced sexual drive. It can also cause diabetes, which can further cause loss of drive.The advice is to eat a healthy, balanced diet. Just eat as much sugar as you need (ie natural sugars from fruits) to maintain a healthy blood pressure and avoid too much sugary junk food to prevent loss of drive.

What hormone regulates your blood sugar?

Every cell in your body requires a constant supply of glucose for energy. Since glucose is transported around the body to those cells, blood sugar levels in the blood need to be regulated. In fact, blood glucose needs to maintained within fairly strict limits because problems will result if those levels get too low (hypoglycaemia), or too high (hyperglycaemia). The control of blood sugar levels is determined by the hormones insulin and glucagon, which are secreted into the blood by the pancreas.When blood sugar levels are too high, the pancreas secretes insulin, which makes cells in the Liver, Muscle, and Fat Tissue take up glucose (sugar) from the blood, and can be converted to glycogen, for storage. Converting glucose to glycogen lowers blood sugar levels, because glycogen does not affect blood sugar levels. Diabetes is when Insulin does not affect cells as much as it should do, and blood sugar stays high.When the level of blood glucose is low, then glucagon is secreted from the pancreas, and the cells convert glycogen back into glucose.If there are low amounts of both glucose and glycogen, glucose can be made from other substances in a process called gluconeogenesis.Basically, insulin lowers your blood sugar level because it pulls the sugar out of the blood stream to provide nutrients to other organs and tissues in the body. It gets more complicated, but this should give you a general idea.

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How much oxygen and glucose can the brain store for emergency situations?

The brain cannot store oxygen. A person can feel a lack of oxygen after only a few seconds. When someone stands up too quickly and becomes dizzy, this is an example of the loss of blood flow to the brain that can be sensed.The brain cannot store glucose (blood sugar). Diabetics who give themselves too much insulin can drop their blood sugar level and faint, and without immediate glucose infusion the brain can die.

Can you faint from too much pressure on your eyes?

Yes, because it lowers your blood pressure.

What is FBS in laboratory testing?

Fasting Blood Sugar. Meaning how much sugar is in your blood when you have not eaten.

What can too much sugar cause?

too much sugar can cause high blood presure and that can be really bad!!!!!!!!!!!1

Why is to much sugar bad for you?

If you have too much sugar you may get diebbetes or high blood pressure

What controls how much sugar is in the blood?

The pancreas inject insulin to control the sugar.

Which substance increases blood level without affecting blood sugar level?

by having too much sugar and salt

What happens when you eats too much sugar?

When we eat too much sugar blood glucose level increase which in long term can lead to Diabetes which is symptomize by high blood pressure. You could also get a sugar rush.

What makes children faint?

Lack of water and dehydration. And also too much heat.

Can sugar free rise blood sugar?

Yes, sugar free foods can raise blood sugar. It depends if it has more then 5 carbohydrates in then most likely it will raise the blood sugar a bit but if you are not carbohydrate counting then i wouldn't worry too much about it

What is the duty of insulin?

It controls the level of blood sugar. It to much sugar in the blood it helps to stire it in the liver. If too little in the blood then it helps to release sugar from thre liver. Insulin is naturally made in the pancreas.

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