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Not as such as the uterus is removed and there is therefore no lining to be cleansed if an ova is not impregnated. Unless you have your ovaries removed you may still have symptoms of menstruation however there will be no period per se.

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9y ago

Not a period per se, but if you have retained your cervix you could have what is known as a mini period. Spotting here and there. If you've had both uterus and cervix removed then the answer is no. If you are bleeding after the removal of both past recovery time, you should consult your Dr.

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9y ago

If your uterus was surgically removed, you should not be able to have a *normal* menstrual period. If the uterus is present along with at least a single ovary, or the hormones needed to create a normal reproductive cycle, you may menstruate. Additionally, those with endometriosis may find their problem continues if ovaries or hormones are left intact. Please seek the help of your physician if you have other questions.

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10y ago

You will still menstruate unless ovaries are removed

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13y ago

If you still have your cervix, you will lightly bleed once a month. Google it for more indepth answers.

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Yes unless you have a oopherectomy at the same time.

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Q: Is it still possible to have a period after a partial hysterectomy?
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Had partial hysterectomy but want a baby?

It is possible. In most modern hysterectomies, the ovaries are left inside the body. This equates to a partial hysterectomy. The ovaries can still release their eggs, and it's possible (albeit rare) that a pregnancy can occur.

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After a partial hysterectomy the eggs released from the ovaries are absorbed into the blood stream.

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Yes you will if you still have your ovaries.

Will I still go through menopause with a partial hysterectomy?

If you still have your ovaries, you should go through menopause at the normal time for you. With a full hysterectomy, you will experience "surgical menopause."

Can you still get cervical cancer if you have had a partial hysteroctemy?

Hysterectomy is only the removal of uterus and you therefore can get cervical cancer, you should continue with pap tests. If you mean a total hysterectomy then both uterus and cervix are removed and cervical cancer is eliminated.

Is Pelvic Inflammatory Disease possible if hysterectomy?

No, you can't get pelvic inflammatory disease if you had a hysterectomy. After hysterectomy, whether or not your cervix is still in place, it isn't possible for germs to ascend from the vagina into the pelvis.

Will you be dry after your partial hysterectomy?

No, well I had a partial hysterectomy and and I still get very lubricated, I heard a lot of women also have trouble having organism, I have not had any trouble. I wonder if a lot of women get bored with there partners, I have been with the same partner for 19 years, but still no trouble getting wet or reaching organism.

Is it possible to have an ectopic pregnancy after a hysterectomy?

Yes, it is possible to have an ectopic pregnancy after a vaginal hysterectomy if one or both ovaries are still present.

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Can I still get a yeast infection after a hysterectomy?

Had a hysterectomy while a virgin am I still a virgin?

Yes you are still a virgin if you had a hysterectomy.

Can you have your ovaries put back in?

No, if your ovaries were removed then you can't put them back in. Find out from your doctor if you had a 'partial hysterectomy' which means you still have one ovary left and can still conceive a child. i stillhave ovaries

Can you still have a period after removal of the uterus?

No. A period is caused by the buildup of endometrial tissue within the uterine cavity. Without the uterus, there can be no efflux of tissue and blood, so no period. So long as you still have your ovaries, you will have normal hormones, however. I DISAGREE. I just had a hysterectomy - removal of my uterus only - and I am spotting on the calendar day that I was due for my period. My doctor told me that it is possible that I may spot from time to time as it's difficult to remove every single uterine cell from the abdominal cavity.