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Telling an abuser that he emotionally abused you depends on your expectations. Safety is the most important consideration, though- do not put yourself in a position of further abuse- emotional or physical- by confronting your abuser. If by telling him, you are expecting him to apologize or take responsibility for his behavior, you are very unlikely to be satisfied. Abusers are in denial, and they rarely will admit that their behavior is abusive or in any way wrong. The chances of an abusive man changing are very slim, so telling him hoping he will change is rather useless. If by telling him, you are standing up to your abuser, regaining control of your own life, and letting him know what he did to you and how it affected you, it might be worth telling him for your own recovery.

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. You couldn't (improve on last answer, or have a relationship with a Narcissist without feeling abused).You cannot have a relationship with an abuser without feeling abused.

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Answer:The Boyfriend might become an abuser, but in the long run he will learn from his mistakes and i believe no, he will not become an abuser, if you feel like your being abused walk away =3

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