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Of course they hurt under the sea, unless you're Scuba diving, or got goggles on, or eyes closed.

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11y ago

It depends if your eyes are open or not. If they are open then yes they will hurt very bad. If they're closed then it won't hurt. If you have gogels, than you are a smart person.

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Q: Does salt water hurt your eyes under water?
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Does salt water hurt your eyes?

Yes. Saline is used by the eyes to keep the surface moist and to wash any specks or germs from it.

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Someone told me its the fish sick that really hurts your eyes buh i dont believe that because human sick doesn't (i tried it) ... (surfers dont get hurt by it because they got super surfer eyes )

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Not if you don't drink it.

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No. Never put salt in your eyes, it is very bad for them.

Is saltwater pools sore on your eyes?

True salt water pools have the same parts per million (ppm) as sea water which is roughly 35,000 ppm. We have a salt taste threshold of around 3,500 ppm and our eyes have about 7,000ppm. Most chlorine generators require a salt content of 3,000-5,000 ppm in the pool. You will feel the salt in a true salt water pool, most people don't notice the salt in a pool with a chlorine generator.

Does ocean water burn your eyes?

It does because it is salt water

Does washing your car in salt water hurt it?

Yes, Over time the salt in the water will cause the vehicle to rust.