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No, but it would be pretty stupid not to tell them, otherwise they would eventually notice the pregnancy weight and begin to freak out. Also, if you are thinking of getting an abortion, you would have to tell your parents.

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Q: Do your parents have to know if you are going to have a baby and you are under 18?
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I am sure it depends on which country you are going to and from. But I know going from Canada to Honduras or United States you need a letter of permission from your guardians/parents.

I do not know but it started today?

if you have a baby today and dont know what to do dont worry. all you have to do is care for you baby and be a good parents the rest of you life

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I'm not sure what act you are referring to but I know that under the Hippocratic Oath of their profession they may not tell a patient's wishes. If that is what you were looking for, there it is!

Are you favor of the idea that couples should undergo genetic counseling?

yes because a parent should know how to take care of their baby properly by going to counselling for their soon to be baby... SORRY FOR THE GRAMMAR.

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don't know

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