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Most bowsers have two or three default stylesheets. One for correctly built sites and one for "broken" sites.

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12y ago

The Google Chrome browser has always supported Cascading Style Sheets, along with nearly all other Web Browsers in existence.

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What contains the formats for how a particular object should display in a Web browser?

cascading style sheet (CSS)

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cascading style sheet

What dpes CSS stamd for?

Cascading Style Sheet

What is the use of cascading style sheet in web development?

Cascading Style Sheet is a way of styling your document. It is a set of commands which make a page much more interactive.

What type of style sheet uses the style tag?

CSS (Cascading style sheet)

What does the css stand for in photoshop css?

Cascading Style Sheet

What is cascading style script?

CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) is a proramming language that is used with HTML to create the layout of a page.

What is the meaning of cascading?

The cascading that is referred to in the name cascading style sheets refers to how rules can cascade in how they are implement. CSS rules can be found in three places: an external style sheet, and internal style sheet, or inline. Cascading refers to precedence. A rule located inline, will take precedence over a rule located in an internal style sheet and a rule located in an internal style sheet will take precedence over a rule located in an external style sheet. Within a single style sheet (for example an external style sheet) a rule located at the bottom of the style sheet takes precedence over a rule located at the top of the style sheet. This allows you fine tuned control over your styles and how and when they display and which one will display based upon where in the cascading hierarchy they appear.

What does the acronym CSS mean?

(if you mean the style sheet language) Cascading Style Sheets

What doas css mean?

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet, which makes websites beautiful, simply saying.

how many foundation tags are there in HTML?

Foundation is a kind of Cascading Style Sheet. It is also called as Zurb Foundation.

Who is the father of cascading style sheet?

Hakon Wium Lie, who was working at CERN in 1994, realized that there was no way to style web documents. The style sheet was not an entirely new idea, as Tim Berners-Lee had written the NeXT browser/editor in a way that allowed it to determine the style with a simple style sheet. However, he did not publish the syntax, as he believed each browser should decided how to best display pages. Other browsers such as Harmony and Viola had comparable style sheets. Instead of more advanced style sheets, however, browsers that followed offered fewer options for stylizing. In fact the NCSA Mosaic browser, which made the web popular, only allowed for changing certain colors and fonts. In 1994, Hakon Wium Lie published the first draft of Cascading HTML Style Sheets (CHSS). This early version was 1 of 9 types of style sheets submitted to W3C. Bert Bos, who was working on the Argo browser which used its own form of a style sheet, SSP, joined forces with Lie to develop the CSS standard. Lie's proposal was presented at the Mosaic and the Web conference in Chicago in 1994, and again in 1995 with Bert Bos. In 1995, W3C set up the HTML Editorial Review Board. Style sheets were in the sphere of interest the members, so CSS was taken up by them as a work item. CSS1 was completed in 1996, and Internet Explorer 3, released the same year, featured limited support for the style sheet. It would be 3 years, however, before any browser would have full support for CSS1. IE 5, released in 2000, was the first browser to have full support. In 2008, IE 8 offered support for CSS 2.1. CSS 3 was released in June of 2012, and is still under development. IE 10 was the first browser to offer support for CSS 3. As a direct answer to your question, Hakon Wium Lie began development of CSS in 1994, and Bert Bos joined him soon after.