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Elie and his father must make a decision whether to go on the death march or stay in the infirmary at the camp. Elie decides that the camp will probably be bombed by the Nazis after it's evacuation and the sick peopel in the infirmary will be killed. He believes this because the Nazis have no use for sick people. Elie and his father go on the death march, which proves to be a bad choice because two days after the camp was evacuated and Elie and his father went on the march, people in the infirmary were freed. Had Elie and his father stayed in the infirmary, they would have been freed from the reign of the Nazis and his father would have survived the Holocaust.

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Q: Does Elie wiesel remain in the hospital while the camp is being evacuated?
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Why did wiesel leave the hospital?

Elie left the hospital because the man he had been talking to told him that the people in the hospital were not being evacuated but he said the SS were probably not going to let the patients be liberated so he would be killed if he stayed there along with everyone in the hospital.

What path did Elie Wiesel take when he was being evacuated from Auschwitz?

He chose to march with the Germans away from the approaching Russian army.

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They were liberated by the Russians two days after the others left

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They were liberated by the Russians two days after the others left

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What happen to elie when he was in the infirmary?

Elie Wiesel was sent to the infirmary after suffering from food poisoning, but was almost chosen to be killed because the infirmary was to be evacuated. He convinced the doctor to let him stay, and he was later saved from being moved to the gas chambers when the camp was liberated by the Allies.

Why is Camp evacuated book Night?

Camp Evacuated in the book "Night" by Elie Wiesel refers to the evacuation of prisoners from the concentration camp by the SS as Allied forces approached. The evacuation was carried out to prevent the prisoners from being liberated by the advancing troops. The prisoners were forced to march long distances, facing brutal conditions and many perished during the evacuation.

What did evacuees not like about being evacuated?

They were away from their parents.

Where is Wiesel at the beginning of the excerpt in Night by Elie Wiesel?

At the beginning of the excerpt in "Night" by Elie Wiesel, Wiesel is in a train car with other Jews being transported to the Auschwitz concentration camp.

Did evacuees like being evacuated?

some did some didn't