

Does Mars Orbit Around the Earth?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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No, Mars does not orbit around the Earth. The moon orbits around around the Earth. Both Earth and Mars orbit around the sun, but Mars is farther away from the sun.

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How long does it take mars to orbit around the sunin years?

It takes Mars 1.9 Earth years to orbit around the Sun.

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No, Mars and Mercury go around (orbit) the sun. The two planets appear to orbit Earth, but it's a result of the Earth rotating on its axis.

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Mars takes about 687 Earth days to orbit the Sun once.

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It takes mars 687 days for mars to travel around the sun once

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No planets orbit around Mars. There are two moons that orbit around Mars.

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How often does Mars orbit Earth?

Never. Mars and earth both orbit the sun. Since Mars has a more distant orbit, a year on Mars is almost the equivalent of two years on earth.

Who long does it take for Mars to revolve around the earth?

Mars does NOT revolve around the Earth !.. It revolves around the SUN... taking 687 days to orbit the sun once.

A year on planet Mars?

Mars period of revolution around the sun, its orbit, is 686.97 Earth days.

Do all the planets orbit around the earth or sun?

Only 3 planets actually orbit the earth while the rest orbit around the sun. the three are mars venus and uranus.

Does mars and earth have orbits around them?

Mars and the Earth both follow orbits round the Sun, and they also have moons in orbit round them.

If you lived on Mars would Earth exhibit a full cycle of phases?

No, because the Earth does not orbit around Mars. The Moon only has phases because it orbits around Earth.