

Does Saturn have crystallized ammonia

Updated: 9/11/2023
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12y ago

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no, Saturn has no crystallized am monia, it is to gay for that.

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Q: Does Saturn have crystallized ammonia
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What gasses make up Saturn Titan's moon atmosphere?

Hydrogen and helium mostly, some ammonia and methane too though.

What gases make up saturns atmosphere?

Saturn is basically one big atmosphere - as far as we know, there is no real surface to the planet. Its composition is nearly all H2; the rest is approximately: * H2: 96.3±2.4% * He: 3.25±2.4% * CH4: 0.45±0.2% * NH3: 0.0125±0.075% * HD: 0.011±0.0058% * C2H6: 0.0007±0.00015% Besides this, aerosols of ammonia ice, water ice, and ammonia hydrosulfide exist in the atmosphere. So as to answer your queastion the out atmosphere doesn't contain a gass but aersols of ammonia ice, water ice, and ammonia hydrosulfide. Saturn is in effect one big atmosphere with no land just gas and the ices listed above. The primary gas found on Saturn is H2.

The Jovian planets are made up of what?

Jupiter and Saturn - HYDROGEN and HELIUMUranus and Neptune - Water, Ammonia and Methane.

What are gas giants moslty composed of?

Mainly it's hydrogen and helium, especially for Jupiter and Saturn. The interiors of Uranus and Neptune have quite a lot of ammonia methane and water too.

Is there life Saturn?

It is not known if there is any life on Saturn. The odds are that if there were it would be different from life here on Earth. Saturn's environment features include strong gravity, high pressure, strong winds, and cold temperatures of -180oC to +40oC degrees. On the plus side there are available reactive materials in the cloud decks - ammonia, ammonia hydrosulfide, and water. There is also ample energy in the environment from lightning, ultraviolet light, and charged particles. Science Fiction writers have postulated critters that could live in this type of environment which might fly in the clouds with vast gas bags of helium or hydrogen to keep them aloft, but no evidence of their preence has been found.

Related questions

Is Saturn's yellow rings made of crystallized ammonia?


What are the yellow bands on Saturn formed by?

They are made from crystallized ammonia. This answer is certianly correct.

What are the yellow bands in Saturn formed from?

Either Dried lava. Hydrogen and helium. Crystallized ammonia. Carbon dioxide.

Why is Saturn color yellow?

its the small amounts of elements which make the colours. Uranus and Neptune are blue from methane. Saturn is yellow from ammonia. Jupiter is orange from ammonia hydrosulphide.

What are the gases of planet Saturn?

Saturn is mostly ammonia, ammonium hydrosulfide, water, helium, and hydrogen.

What saturn made of?

Saturn is made primarily of hydrogen and helium.

What is the atmosphere of Saturn like on Saturn?

it is dense mix of Hydrogen and trace gases ( like Helium, Methane, Ammonia)

Are Saturn's yellow bands formed by hydrogen and helium?

Cristalized Ammonia

What gases make up Saturn's air?

ammonia methane and oxygen

What are the colours of planet Saturn?

Saturn colours is yellowish - orange due to the presence of ammonia crystal in the upper atmosphere layer.

Does Saturn have an atmosphere and what does it consist?

The planet Saturn does have an atmosphere, and indeed, it consists mostly of atmosphere. The main chemical constituents of the atmosphere of Saturn are methane, ammonia, and hydrogen.

Why is Saturn pale yellow and hints of oranges?

Scientists believe that Saturn's color is caused by ammonia crystals present in its upper atmosphere.