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You'll have to call up the store. They may have rules about the number of piercings or the location. Some managers are okay with them and others are not.

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Q: Does Staples allow their employees to have facial piercings?
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What jobs allow facial piercings besides tattoo shops?

Not alot of extremely professional places allow facial piercings, as it *somehow* looks or is deemed to be *un-professional*. Most cafes, clothing stores (depending on the store), most beauty parlours, hairdressing salons, or anything in the fashion/art/fast food industry will allow facial piercings, as it expresses individuality and are often a *fashion statement*. If you want an office job, earning a real nice wage; I'd stick to ear and septum piercings.

Does Sears allow their employees to have facial piercings?

Depends how laid back your manager is.ive seen people with them and it was not a problem.I've been working at Sears for a little over two years now. I was hired in with my nose pierced, and none of the managers ever told me to take it out. In fact, four other girls at my work have facial piercings and work on the floor. LOL a few have visible tattoos as well.

Why do Italians don't allow their female employees to have facial hair?

because facial hair doesn't suit females. The Italians are very correct.

Is it a law that you have to be 16 to get facial piercings?

The law in most places is that you must be 18 to get piercings in places other than the ear lobe. Laws vary from state to state and some actually allow children to get some piercings with their parent's permission.

Do schools let you have piercings?

Depends, read the code of conduct some allow piercings some don't

Does Great Wolf Lodge allow body piercings?

yes they do

Where is there a Staples store which sells direct to wholesalers?

A Staples store never sells directly to wholesalers. A dedicated agent from a wholesaler will allow you to make purchases, but not through a Staples store.

Do retail store interviews allow facial hair as part of an appearance that is acceptable?

Retail tore interviews usually allow facial hair as an acceptable appearance as long as it is well kept.

What jobs allow lip piercings?

Your best bet is to go to the interview with retainers in your piercings. They'll still be noticeable but it shows that you're at least trying to hide your piercing. Most fastfood places don't allow facial piercings but some may. JUst ask around where you're interested to find out.

Is it ok to wear fake lip pircings?

On one hand, you shouldn't be a fake person. However, fake piercings let you see how it works and how others will react to you before you commit to real piercings. If you are underage, cannot find a piercer, unable to get permission, or if you have a job that doesn't allow piercings fake piercings are a good alternative.

Are tongue piercings legal at school?

The legality of tongue piercings at school can vary depending on the school's dress code and policies. Some schools may prohibit visible body piercings for safety or health reasons, while others may allow them as long as they are not disruptive. It is best to check with your school's administration or handbook to determine their specific rules regarding tongue piercings.

Does Walmart allow employees to have nose piercings?

I think so, but to be honest, I'm only 90% sure. If it's really important, go to It should say their dress code. Or, if you want to work there, just don't wear the nose ring. I mean seriously, this isn't rocket science.