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Q: Does Victor Hugo's Hunchback of Notre Dame take place in the Crusades?
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What are some of Victor Hugos Famous books?

Les Miserables and The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Victor Hugos famous books?

Victor Hugo wrote several famous books set in Paris. Examples of his works include "The Hunchback of Notre-Dame" and "Les Miserables."

Who wrote hunchback of Notre Dame?

Victor Hugo wrote The Hunchback of Notre-Dame.

What is a famous work by Victor Hugo?

The Hunchback of Notre-Dame

Who wrote the story Hunchback of Notre-Dame?

Victor Hugo

How do you say hunchback in french?

a hunchback is 'un bossu' in French the hunchback of Notre-Dame in the book written by Victor Hugo, is called 'le bossu de Notre-Dame'

When did Victor Hugo write the Hunchback of Notre-Dame?

I think it was in 1831.

What is the name of the gypsy in The Hunchback of Notre-Dame?

The name of the gypsy in The Hunchback of Notre-Dame is Esmeralda, also known as La Esmeralda. She is a pivotal character in the novel by Victor Hugo.

Who is the author who wrote the novel the hunchback of Notre Dame?

Original Title: Notre Dame de Paris Author: Victor Hugo Published: 1831

What famous novel uses notre dame as its settings?

The famous novel that uses Notre Dame as its setting is "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" by Victor Hugo. Published in 1831, it tells the story of Quasimodo, a hunchback who lives in the towers of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. The novel explores themes of love, injustice, and the clash between beauty and ugliness.

Victor Hugo is the author of what famous 19th century book featuring the character Quasimodo?

The Hunchback of Notre DameImproved Answer: Victor Hugo's true title was "Notre Dame de Paris" ........ He actually did not title it "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" and was angry at the change of title.

What is the name of the medieval building in Paris associated with a hunchback?

the cathedral Notre-Dame de Paris, that Victor Hugo choose as the setting of its novel 'the hunchback of Notre-Dame'