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Yes. The YouTube staff sometimes deletes videos due to inappropriate content or copyright issues. Videos are also deleted if a user is suspended for TOS violations or closes their account.

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Q: Does YouTube delete videos becauce there bad?
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YouTube allows bad language in their videos, because, of course, people have the freedom to say whatever they want to say. The people who post these videos have no regard for the audiences that may watch them.

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No. if you see a bad comment please delete it!

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One can view videos of bad car wrecks online websites such as Dailymotion, Vimeo, YouTube and many more. Any site that allows you to stream videos, these videos can be found there.

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it is safe becauce it cuts out all of the bad stuff.

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maybe because it has really bad stuff in it or the music is copyright

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There are None. As Long as You Don't Play the Videos at an Hear-Damaging Volume, and You Take Breaks Between Watching So Many Videos at a Time, (Medically) There Is No Harm in Watching YouTube Videos Unless You Have Unusual Sensitivity to Screens or Flashing Lights.