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No it is proportional. If the beer is 4% alcohol, then the 12 oz would have .48 oz alcohol and the 16 oz would have .64 oz alcohol.

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Q: Does a 12 oz beer have the same amount of alcohol as a 16 oz?
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A 5-ounce glass of wine contains the same amount of alcohol as?

A standard serving of beer (12 oz.) or spirits (one and one-half oz.)

What amount of wine and amount of whiskey contain the same amount of alcohol as 12oz of beer?

The alcohol content of wine and beer varies widely. Beer is typically 5% alcohol, and wine is typically 13% alcohol. Thus, 12 oz of a typical beer would contain 0.60 oz of alcohol, and 5 oz of a typical wine would contain 0.65 oz of alcohol. So, yes, as a general rule of thumb, 12 oz of beer is roughly equivalent to 5 oz of wine.

Which has more alcohol wine or beer?

The AMOUNT of alcohol in the standard beer and wine is the same. The percentage of the volume is different. See the chart below. Type of drink Volume of serving (in ounces) Concentration of alcohol expressed as a percent Concentration of alcohol expressed as a percent in decimal form Total amount of alcohol (in ounces) Beer12 5 0.05 0.6 Wine5 12 0.12 0.6 Hard liquor1.5 40 0.40 0.6

The amount of ethyl alcohol in a 12 oz beer or a 5 oz Glass of wine or a 1.5 oz Shot of 80 proof whiskey are?

the same.

Is there the same amount of alcohol in a glass of wine and can of beer and a shot of liquor?

A five ounce serving of dinner wine and a shot of liquor (distilled spirits) each contain the same amount of absolute alcohol, 0.6 oz. They, in turn, contain the same aboiunt of alcohol as a standard 12 ounce beer. This fact is called "alcohol equivalence."

Do 1.5 ounces of liquor have more alcohol than 12 ounces of beer?

1.5 ounces of 40% alcohol is equal to 12 ounces of 5% alcohol. So no they are both the same.

What is a unit of alcohol?

A unit of alcohol is the amount of alcohol that is in one (12-oz or 16-oz) beer, one (6-oz) glass of wine, or one shot of hard liquor. 12 ounces (approx. 375ml) of 5% beer will contain about 18ml of pure alcohol; that is approximately one unit.

How many cans of beer have same alcohol content as 1 shot of vodka?

all have the same. just shots are taken in faster. so they work faster. all have the same. just shots are taken in faster. so they work faster. all have the same. just shots are taken in faster. so they work faster.

Are standard drinks consist of the same alcohol?

Standard drinks all contain the same amount of alcohol (.6 oz). A standard drink of beer is 12 oz, a standard drink of dinner wine is five oz, and a standard drink of liquor is 1 & 1/2 oz.

How many shots of vodka equal a i2 ounce beer?

It can vary depending on the beer and the alcohol being compared. In general, 12 ounces of beer is considered the same as a shot.

Is there more alcohol in a bottle of beer than a six pack of beer?

A six pack of beer. One beer has roughly 5% alcohol and 355ml. A bottle of wine usually contains 12% alcohol and 750ml. Now doing the math part. The six pack of beer has 2130ml, 5% of that = 106.5ml of alcohol. A bottle of wine has 750, 12% of that = 90ml of alcohol. Generally speaking, a 6 pack of beer has more alcohol than a bottle of wine depending on the percentages of the beer and the wine.

Do all light beers have the same alcohol content?

In the state of Oklahoma all beer contains 2% alcohol by volume. (State Law) Otherwise no alcohol content can range from 2% to 12% depending on what you buy, ex. beer, malt liquor, barley wine.