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The CO2 goes into the tire.

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Q: Does a CO2 bike pump inflate the tire with CO2 or does it only use the CO2 as a driver for pumping oxygen from an intake on the pump into the tire?
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Is the oxygen sensor before or after the catalytic converter on a 1994 Pontiac Grand Prix?

its before the cat usually on the driver side intake manifold

Is 42 percent oxygen intake dangerous?

42 percent oxygen intake is not dangerous.

What is in the banana that makes the balloon inflate?

In the banana are little pockets of oxygen in the peel that is also how they float!

Do you pump oxygen into a tire?

If you are using a regular pump that draws its air from the surrounding atmosphere, then yes you will be pumping oxygen(as well as a mix of other gases) into the tire. Oxygen is corrosive and flammable, and pumping pure O2 into your tires is a terrible idea. Plain air is about 75% nitrogen, which is fairly inert, and this is the preferred gas for pumping tires, as it is also the cheapest.

Where is the Oxygen that you breathe produced and what is it produced from?

Trees that intake CarbonDioxidespit out Oxygen

How do lung intake oxygen?

Simple answer. All your life your lungs inhale and exhale oxygen. This is facilitated by the diaphragm, a muscle just below the lungs. When this muscle moves down a partial vacuum is created allowing the lungs to inflate filling the space created by the moving diaphragm, it then moves up again compressing the lungs and therefore expelling the air in them.

Why are aerobic muscles red?

Because there is blood pumping through them to deliver glucose and oxygen.

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Hypoxia is the result?

a deficiency in oxygen intake.

How do you replace oxygen sensor 2004 pacifica chrysler under lower intake manifold?

The oxygen sensors are screwed into the exhaust system. They are not under the lower intake.

How do we intake only oxygen from the atmosphere?

We dont, we breath nitrogen and oxygen...but only the oxygen gets used by our bodies.

What type of exercise that gets the heart pumping and the muscles using oxygen?

That is called aerobic exercise.