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yes 1 xray give off 1 milirem there are 1,000 milirem in a rem U get more radition from the sun If you work at a nuclear plant you can get 80 milirem a day so please don't worry about xrays at all.please remember that the room have lead in the wall to prevent it from going all over and the xray tech where monitors so they can measure their exposure they are at no risk though

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Yes, the digital X-ray generally exposes the patient to a lower dose of the radiation for an image of similar contrast than does that for traditional film image.

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Q: Does a digital X ray expose the patient to less radiation than traditional film X ray?
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Yes, why would they expose animals to that much radiation the RSPCA would have a field day.

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What are digital x rays?

It is an xray that is taken by a computer. Normal x-rays are taken when X radiation passes through you body and reaches a x-ray cassette with film in it. The more dense areas of the body (bones) absorb the x radiation and keep them from hitting the film (called partial absorbtion) thus the bone are lighter white color. Areas such a lungs which have air in them are not as dense as bone and do not absorb x rays thus they are black on film. Other areas with densitys between bone and lung (air) will result in different levels of grays. The film is exposed by the xrays that are not absorbed and partly absorbed by the body. Also it is key to note the xray cassette that hold the film has a screen inside it that is emits a light when hit with xrays. It actually the screen lighting up that exposes the film, which in turn is developed into the traditional xray film. In digital xray there is no film. The xrays expose a photo cell that is connected to a computer. Thus connected to a display. The nice thing about a digital xray is you can adjust the black and gray levels and send the image over the internet to radiologists all over the world. Hope this helps. Do take note that digital x-ray always to be confused with the x-ray radiation as being 'digital'. The fact is only image acquisition is digital and there is so such thing as digital x radiation.

Are microwave ovens harmful to humans?

No,but the safety interlocks can be defeated if tampered with and expose people to microwave radiation. There was a case of a 'short order' chef who partly 'cooked 'his abdomen when the door seals of an old catering model did not seal properly.This is a very rare case. It could be argued that mobile phones expose the head to much greater microwave radiation than an oven.

A person expose to radiation has no chance to survival?

Depends on the dose. Both total and over the amount received over a specific timescale, but mainly on total dose.

What does irradiation use?

is the process by which an item is exposed to radiation.

Are humans and life forms able to survive without solar radiation?

Humans do not need to expose themselves to solar radiation directly to survive. However, if there were no solar radiation at all, temperatures on Earth would quickly drop below freezing, and plants would not be able to grow. Humans would not live long under such conditions.

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