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it has feathers because it is a bird

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Q: Does a gannet have fur feathers or fins?
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Does a gannet have fur or feathers?

No they don't have fins, feathers or fur.

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does white bait have fur feathers or fins

Does a wobbebgon have feathers fur or fins?

It has has fins

Does a coromant have feathers fur or fins?

hey hi, yes the coromant has feathers and fur but does not have fins. cheers

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Would a Tui have fur feathers or fins?

it has fins

Why do animals have fur fins and feathers?

animals have fur to keep them warm its the same with feathers and they have fins so they can swim faster

Do Anchovies have feathers fur or fins?

Anchovies are not birds, so they don't have feathers. Anchovies are not mammals, so they don't have fur. Ahchovies are fish, so they do have fins.

Does cormorant have feathers fur or fins?

feathers because it is a sea bird

Does a tern have feathers fur or fins?

The tern is a bird: thus, it has feathers.

Does a cormorant have fur or fins?

Neither. It has feathers as its a bird.