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It depends on the laws of your state.

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Q: Does a homeschooled child have to be tested at the end of the year?
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Can you get homeschooled at the end of the school year?


Do you get your child support back at the end of the year?

Uh, no. It wasn't a loan.

Which of these is a government-backed plus for having a child?

year-end tax credit

What is government-backed financial plus for having a child?

year-end tax credit

How old does a child have to be two claim them on taxes?

Kids should not have to pay taxes as long as they are still under the car of an adult. If a teen has been emancipated, then they will be required to pay taxes.

If a gay couple were to adopt a child how will the child end up?

Since being gay is not a factor in how a child will end up, the answer is that the child will end up loved.

If your child's gross income was 13000 can he be claimed as a dependent?

Only if the child was 1) under 19 at the end of the year OR 2) under 24 at the end of the year and a full time student OR 3) permanently and totally disabled. The child must also have provided less than half of his/her own support. Money put into savings does not count as support.

When has animal testing failed?

I dont when they fail but i do know that a lot of human products are tested on animals and numerous of these tests end up with death. For example the Pringles company has tested everything they made on animals and every year they hav a total of 4 animal deaths.

How much can a child earn with parents claiming the child as a deduction?

There is no limit provided at least one of the following statements is true: 1) The child was under 19 at the end of the year. 2) The child was under 24 at the end of the year and a full-time student. 3) The child was totally and permanently disabled. However, the child must not provide more than half of his/her own support. Earnings that the child placed in a savings account (for example) do not count as support. If the child did not meet any of the above requirements, the child cannot have earned more than $3500 (gross income) and YOU must have provided more than half the child's suppport.

Can child support be taken away if child age of 17 gets a part time job in Texas?

If the child is providing more than 50% of his or her financial support, child support will end in Texas. If not, a 17-year-old's job will have no effect on child support amounts.

Who gets to claim a child on taxes?

No, you cannot claim an unborn child on taxes. It is not a dependent until it starts to breathe on its own. The baby must be born before the end of the year in order to claim it on that year's tax return.

What effects do end products have on enzymes?

There are many effects that end products can have on enzymes. The exact effects depend on the end products and the enzymes tested.