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The best predictor of future behavior in a disordered person is past behavior. So, no, they won't treat them better. Their core values are the same and their diagnosis is fixed unchangable - thatis what defines pathology. The "honeymoon" period can vary and/or the new victim may have a disorder that serves in their tolerating the abuse longer, but no. Don't believe for a second it's better. With Ns what you see, hear and imagine is not reality. Trust your instincts -run far and don't look back. You're lucky it's over. Don't reopen the door, or be fooled by your wanting to believe it had meaning beyond your emotions, since they'll use it to hurt you again as they have in the past. They'll harm the new partner too.

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14y ago

I think he will. But he will eventually suck the life out of her to.

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13y ago

No they don't. They only get worse.

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Q: Does a narcissist change after marriage?
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How do you make marriage work with a narcissist?

Leave, then empty the bank.

Can a narcissist have a good second marriage?

Everyone can have a good marriage. It depends whether or not they get married twice, I guess.

Would a compensatory narcissist have a second successful marriage?

A compensatory narcissist would not be able to have a successful second marriage. This is because they would always be craving praise while belittling their spouse to make themselves feel better.

What is the most effective way to safely and quickly end a marriage to a Narcissist?

Hire a hitman.

How do you change narcissist into a loving person?

You cannot change a narcissist. That's like saying how do you change a snake into a bear. They use other people who are taken in by their performance. Get away while you can still run. If you think you can change a narcissist then you are setting yourself up as the perfect prey. While you are trying to change the unchangeable he will be using you up.

Can someone be a narcissist in training so to speak where they definitely have narcissistic traits but not full-blown narcissism and if so can they change?

They can be a developing narcissist. NO. they can NOT change. Sorry. Run while you can!

How do you get a narcissist to stop accusing you of sleeping with her husband?

Either use duct tape or cut contact. The narcissist will not change his/her ways.

Does explaining to a Narcissist how they act and how dysfunctional they are help them to change?

Best guess, it can. There is no other way for a true narcissist to be aware of issues within him or herself.

Does a narcissist every change any behaviors for example stop drinking?

No. A narcissist cannot change. Narcissism is an untreatable personality disorder. It is unrealistic to believe a narcissist can change any behavior. In the world of the narcissist, he or she is center, remorseless, and sees no reason to change. He may manipulate his chosen one into believing he will change as manipulation and omnipotence are core to his insatiable need to control and keep his partner. Losing is not an option for the narcissist. Because of his inability to feel remorse, the narcissist acts out normal responses based purely on observation of others. He may say he will stop drinking to keep the relationship of abuse and chaos intact. Indeed, he cannot perceive a reason not to do exactly as he chooses to do. The narcissist lacks the ability to be accountable to any person or promise. He has no sense of remorse, no need or feelings for others exept to objectify

Can you change a narcassist?

A narcissist would not want help because he or she would not think there was anything wrong. Therefore, you can't help a narcissist; even when a narcissist is court ordered into therapy, there is little a professional can do to help a person change this personality type.

How to break up with a narcissist?

Before you break up. Try your best to change the person.

Why would a narcissist agree to marriage if they are afraid of commitment?

Perhaps he (or she) has overcome his fear of commitment. And perhaps he has found the woman that he feels is genuinely right for him.