

Does a person usually bruise after a tonic clonic seizure?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Does a person usually bruise after a tonic clonic seizure?
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What is the final state of tonic clonic seizure?

Tonic-clonic seizures end in a final generalized spasm. The affected person can lose consciousness during tonic and clonic phases of seizure.

Do you let a diabetic person having a seizure seize?

Generally if it is a grand mal seizure (now known as tonic-clonic) where the person has fallen and is in convulsions, you do let the person "seize." By that is meant letting the seizure run its course. Do not try to restrain the person. Make sure the person will not strike or knock anything over that is nearby and never try to place anything in the person's mouth.

Will a person having a seizure appear to be drunk?

There are many forms of seizure and a person having one can behave in different ways. It is usually very clear that they are not drunk but are having some other problem, namely a seizure. There are many ways of knowing that someone is drunk, and it would be very obvious that they will have been taking alcohol. A seizure is not like that.

Generalized tonic-clonic seizure?

DefinitionA generalized tonic-clonic seizure is a seizure involving the entire body. It is also called a grand mal seizure. Such seizures usually involve muscle rigidity, violent muscle contractions, and loss of consciousness.Generalized tonic-clonic seizures are the type of seizure that most people associate with the term "seizure," convulsion, or epilepsy. They may occur in people of any age, as a single episode, or as part of a repeated, chronic condition (epilepsy).For more information see:SeizuresEpilepsyFever (febrile) convulsionsPetit mal or absence seizuresPartial (focal) seizuresAlternative NamesSeizure - tonic-clonic; Seizure - grand mal; Grand mal seizure; Seizure - generalizedSymptomsMany patients have an aura (a sensory warning sign) before the seizure. This can include vision, taste, smell, or sensory changes, hallucinations, or dizziness.The seizure itself involves:Loss of consciousness or fainting, usually lasting between 30 seconds and 5 minutesGeneral muscle contraction and rigidity (tonic posture), usually lasting 15 - 20 secondsViolent rhythmic muscle contraction and relaxation (clonic movement), usually lasting for 1 -2 minutesBiting the cheek or tongue, clenched teeth or jawIncontinence(loss of urine or stool control)Stopped breathing or difficulty breathing during seizureBlue skin colorAlmost all people lose consciousness, and most people have both tonic and clonic muscle activity.After the seizure, the person usually has:Normal breathingSleepiness that lasts for 1 hour or longerLoss of memory (amnesia) regarding events surrounding the seizure episodeHeadacheDrowsinessConfusion, temporary and mildWeakness of one side of the body for a few minutes to a few hours following seizure (This is called Todd's paralysis.)For more information about diagnosis and treatment, see:EpilepsySeizuresReferencesDuvivier EH, Pollack Jr CV. Seizures. In: Marx, JA, ed. Rosen's Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice. 7th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Mosby Elsevier; 2009: chap 100.Kornblau DH, Conway Jr EE, Caplen SM. Neurologic Disorders. In: Marx JA, ed. Rosen's Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice. 7th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Mosby Elsevier; 2009: chap 173.Krumholz A, Wiebe S, Gronseth G, et al. Practice parameter: evaluating an apparent unprovoked first seizure in adults (an evidence-based review): report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology and the American Epilepsy Society. Neurology. 2007;69:1991-2007.Schachter SC. Seizure disorders. Med Clin North Am. March 2009;93(2).Trescher WH, Lesser RP. The Epilepsies. In: Bradley WG, Daroff RB, Fenichel GM, Jakovic J, eds. Neurology in Clinical Practice. 5th ed. Philadelphia, Pa; Butterworth-Heinemann; 2008: chap 71.Walker SP, Permezel M, Berkovic SF. The management of epilepsy in pregnancy. BJOG. 2009;116(6):758-67.

What happens after seizure?

After having a seizure a person will become tired and feel worn down. Upon coming out of a seizure a person can be confused, disoriented and lack the ability to concentrate. Seizures can have many other effects as well depending on the person, type of seizure and severity of the seizure.

What happens during an asset seizure?

The government usually steps in to acquire a person's assets in the event of a crime. This is referred to as an asset seizure. Government officials will literally confiscate the belongings of the criminal.

How can you tell if one is faking a seizure?

Seizures can cause involuntary changes in body movement or function, sensation, awareness, or behavior. A seizure can last from a few seconds to status epilepticus, a continuous seizure that will not stop without intervention. Seizure is often associated with a sudden and involuntary contraction of a group of muscles. However, a seizure can also be as subtle as marching numbness of a part of the body, a brief loss of memory, sparkling or flashes, sensing an unpleasant odor, a strange epigastric sensation or a sensation of fear. Therefore seizures are typically classified as motor, sensory, autonomic, emotional or cognitive. In some cases, the full onset of a seizure event is preceded by some of the sensations described above. These sensations can serve as a warning to the sufferer that a full tonic-clonic seizure is about to occur. These "warning sensations" are cumulatively called an aura. Symptoms experienced by a person during a seizure depend on where in the brain the disturbance in electrical activity occurs. Recent studies show that seizures happen in sleep more often than was thought. A person having a tonic-clonic seizure may cry out, lose consciousness and fall to the ground, and convulse, often violently. A person having a complex partial seizure may appear confused or dazed and will not be able to respond to questions or direction. Some people have seizures that are not noticeable to others. Sometimes, the only clue that a person is having an absence seizure is rapid blinking or a few seconds of staring into space. It is commonly thought among healthcare providers that many seizures, especially in children, are preceded by tachycardia that frequently persists throughout the seizure. This early increase in heart rate may supplement an aura as a physiological warning sign of an imminent seizure. [1]1.

What is the part of speech of the word bruise?

Bruises is a noun (plural form of bruise) and a verb (third person singular conjugation of bruise).

Can electro stimulation cause a seizure in a person who has never had a seizure?

Yes, electroconvulsive therapy can cause a seizure in people that have never had a seizure. However, beyond that, general electrical stimulation on the body (such as with a TENS machine) should not induce a seizure in a person who is not an epileptic.

What should you record following a seizure?

When it happened. How long it lasted. The type of seizure. How the person felt before and after the seizure. Did they have an aura? Any potential reasons for the seizure. If you are the person who has had the seizure, some of the information can obviously only be got by someone who saw the seizure, so you will need to talk to them. If no one saw it, just record what you know. If you are recording details of another person's seizure, then you will need to get some information from them.

What does it mean if a guy gives you a hickey?

A person that kisses you too hard and that will leave a bruise, usually on the neck. Or is trying to claim you by giving you one

What is a grandma seizure?

A generalized tonic-clonic (grand-mal) seizure begins with a loud cry before the person having the seizure loses consciousness and falls to the ground. lasts between two and five minutes. the person may be confused.when he regains consciousness.