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The high g-force of the ejection rocket will produce a measurable compression of the cartilage disks in the pilot's spine, although the effect is not permanent (thankfully).

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Q: Does a pilots spine shrink when he ejects?
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Is the spine longer after sleeping?

yes it does grow, but during the day it will shrink.

How does age affect height?

You shrink in height as you get older as the spine ages

Do tall people shrink more or less?

Tall people shrink just as much as shorter people. This happens because the spine compresses however it is not as noticeable because the person is already tall.

Will you shrink in height if you stop eating?

Probably over time you would because you wouldn't be taking in calcium which is needed for strong bones. Eventually, you'd have osteoporosis and your vertebral (spine) bones would start to collapse, making you shorter.AND THATS A FACT

Why do you shrink at night?

actually, you don't shrink at night, you shrink in the daytime due to the sponglike connectors in your spine. These shrink during the day from standing, so you get about 2 or so inches shorter. But when youre laying down and asleep the spongy stuff relaxes out, thus returning you to your highest. (Sleep also makes you grow)

Do tall people shrink more than short people?

Yes, taller people shrink more due to gravity pulling on their vetebras and bones. Also, many tall people have some form of scoliosis or other curvature of the spine.

Does gravity effect your height laying down?

No, this is one of the reasons you are taller in the morning than you are in the evening. When you walk around during the day, gravity pulls and compresses your spine, causing you to shrink. But when you are lying down in bed, gravity isn't compressing your spine because the gravitational pull is perpendicular to the angle of your spine, allowing it to recover.

While youre asleep you grow 8 mm but shrink again in the morning Is this statement true or false?

this is true, as when you are lying down your spine relaxs making you grow, but when you wake up the gravitational pull on your body makes you shrink again,

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Yes, navy pilots and air force pilots are military pilots.

When a material ejects particles or energy spontaneously it is?

radioactive :)

What part of a firearm ejects shells or cartridges?

The ejector

What is the noun for pilots'?

The collective noun for pilots is a crew of pilots.