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Tap water. Distilled water contains no salts and therefore no nutrition for the plant. In reality distilled water would not be able to be absorbed by osmosis into the root system of the plant - as osmosis relies on the differences in concentration of minerals dissolved in the water to work.

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Q: Does a plant grow better watered with well water distilled water or tap water?
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Do plants grow better in tap or distilled water?

distilled If you are growing houseplants in soil, using distilled water will prevent the accumulation of calcium and other salts in the soil. However, if growing plant cuttings in water, tap water will work better.

Do plants grow better if you water them once or twice a week?

it might depend on the plant. it could be over watered if watered twice, under watered if watered once or too little water with both. why don't you find out?

Do se a plant grow bigger if watered by milk or watered?

Water. Milk wont work as well... even thought it seems to have more nutrients... it is thick and ha fat...

Does a plant grow taller if watered by milk or by water?

Better by Water because milk is very bad for plants they will just die

Can a plant grow in distilled water?


What will a plant do if you water it with water?

Be happy because it's watered. :3

What happens when you water a plant with distilled water?

it grows

Do plant grow better with tap or distilled water?

No. Tap water or distilled water has no nutrients or minerals that a plant needs. If you leave a plant with just distilled water, it will effectively 'starve' love MeganX321 :)

Will a plant grow bigger watered by milk or pepsi?

I did this for my science fair and the plant given lemon juice grew more than the plant that was given distilled water. but dont know why it did grow more

Does a plant grow bigger if watered by water or milk?

Milk is for mammal consumption. Other than adding calcium to the soil, it doesnt help the plant. Plants naturally seek water in the soil. It could possibly survive in the milk but would like the water better.

Can a plant grow in salt water or distilled water?

Some plants do benifit from salt in the water but you can experiment with distilled water for your plants.

Does a plant grow faster bigger if watered by milk or water?

i think that milk might work better as a fertilizer because of all the calcium it has in it