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yes but if u rub a little bit of sperm on it it will be back to normal ;)

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Q: Does a sinus infection give you dry mouth?
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why do morphine give me dry mouth

Can sinus infections cause temporary double vision?

No, bad eyesight has nothing to do with sinus infections.

What are signs of a sinus infection?

the signs of a sinus infection iscough,not a dry cough just a normal coughhard to breath through the nosedoes hurt when anyone presses on your facethese are not all of the signs but they are some of the signs.

What can cause me to become lightheaded very tired and have very dry mouth?

Dehydration is a probable cause. It could also be due to a sinus infection. The infection (if severe enough) can cause dizziness, tiredness and a very dry mouth. Also, certain medications can cause this. It would be a good idea to have your doctor examine you, to rule out any possible serious illnesses, and to rule out a minor stroke or heart attack.

What are sign of sinus infections?

the signs of a sinus infection iscough,not a dry cough just a normal coughhard to breath through the nosedoes hurt when anyone presses on your facethese are not all of the signs but they are some of the signs.

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Treatment for bladder infection

What does it mean when you have a sinus infection and you blow your nose and only blood comes out?

Maybe the air is too dry in your home. Try using a humidifier in the winter.

Do your cheeks swell more if you have a dry socket?

Not all the time, unless you have an infection too. Usually you would experience a lot of pain from a dry socket, a bad taste in your mouth, and a difficulty of opening the mouth.

How do you know if you have food in your sinus?

the signs of a sinus infection iscough,not a dry cough just a normal coughhard to breath through the nosedoes hurt when anyone presses on your facethese are not all of the signs but they are some of the signs.

Can tasting your own pussy give you dry mouth?

I dont think so,and that is imposible...

If I have very dry sinus will a Dehumidifier help me?

A dehumidifier typically removes moisture from the air, which could potentially worsen dry sinus symptoms. Instead, using a humidifier can add moisture to the air and help alleviate dry sinus issues. Additionally, staying hydrated and using saline nasal sprays may also provide relief.

What causes bad breath and how can you treat it?

Bad breath is usually caused by an infection in the mouth, excessively dry mouth, and the improper cleaning of the teeth. You can treat it by going to your dentist regularly or buy a halitosis kit.