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Yes, unless there are multiple designated U-Turn lanes for an intersection or freeway. (of course if they are not permitted, you don't period.) :D

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Q: Does a you turn have to start from the left-most driving lane?
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Suppose you are driving on a four lane highway from which lane should you turn Into which lane should you turn?

Always turn in to the lane closest to you (e.g. making a right turn onto a highway you should turn into the right lane).Turning from the highway depends upon which you are going, if left turns are premitted (some require left turns from the right lane only) So you must check the rules for that particular road. Unless there are other vehicles trying to come on to the intersection then you should just simply move to the left.

You were driving in the lane to turn left and as you were slowing down for the red light someone cut in front of you and damaged the side of your car who is in the wrong?

If you were already in the turn lane and they cut you off it is the other drivers fault. They should have yielded to you already in the turn lane.

How should drivers position their cars of the lane they are driving in?

Drivers should position their vehicle in the center of the lane they are driving in. Any other position communicates intentions to others which may be misleading, which in turn reduces the predictability of driving for everyone.

Where should you start your u-turn on a street with two lanes in each direction?

In the left lane.

If there is a one-way street with 2 lanes that allow a left turn on another one-way street can both of those lanes turn left on red or just the leftmost lane?

My sister was really surprised one evening because she was given a ticket for making a right turn at a red light from the outer right lane. Everyone does it in Houston, as you are turning onto the service road of the freeway(one-way only), so I was shocked(and glad I had never gotten a ticket myself). The officer told her that it's only legal to turn from the inner (or rightmost) lane while at a red light. This would lead me to assume that a left turn at a red light would have to be made from the leftmost lane, though you may want to check with your local DMV to be absolutely sure. Hope I helped. Be careful out there!!

How can you turn off Auto Start-up on the DS?

# Take out all games # Turn on the DS # Tap the options menu # Select the leftmost icon (Spanner) # Select the top icon (Arrow/Door)

How much is the citation for left turn from improper lane?

About $200, this is considered wreckless driving and your insurance rate will also be affected.

When you turn right onto a multi lane road which lane do you turn in to?

When you are in the far right lane, your turn should put you in the far right lane. Then, when safe, you can merge into the left lane to pass. This is for a right turn from a 2 or 4 lane onto a 2-or higher lane road.

When making a left turn you should turn from the lane nearest the center line or a dedicated turn lane and into?

When turning onto a road with two or more lanes you should turn into the nearest lane. If the road you are turning from has two lanes marked for turning left there will usually be broken lane lines through the turn to show the lanes you should stay in. If they are worn away the furthest lane left turns into the nearest lane and the second lane from the left turns into the second lane from the left of the road you are turning onto. Once on the new road and it is clear you can start changing lanes. Its a bad idea to change lanes during the turn as if there is an accident you could be ticketed for an unsafe lane change

What to do if engine fails while driving?

As safely as you can, coast into the break down lane, come to a stop and turn the 4-way flashers on.

When a road has two turning lanes which lane does a 18 wheeler turn in?

The one which will be the outside lane. If it's a left turn, they'll be in the right lane. If it's a right turn, they'll be in the left turn lane.