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Q: Does accounting profit or economic profit determine how entrepreneurs allocate resources between different businesses ventures?
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How does accounting profit or economic profit determine how entrepreneurs allocate resources between different business ventures?


What is retail accounting?

Retail accounting is the process of accounting for retail businesses. The accounting function in retail isn't significantly different from that of other businesses.

What type of professional accounting software would be suitable for a small business?

There are a few different professional accounting software products available to small businesses. A few of these would be NetSuite, GCE Accounting, and QuickBooks Pro.

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What are the different types of accounting concepts and conventions?

One type of accounting concept is the way inventory is handled. Some businesses may following first in first out or last in last out.

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I am starting a business and I need to purchase accounting software. Can you tell me how QuickBooks is different from PeachTree?

QuickBooks is more for small businesses. PeachTree is very complex and powerful, and can be adapted to medium-sized businesses and institutions.

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What is important of International Accounting Standard?

The importance of International Accounting Standard is underpinned by the global nature and impact of virtually all business transactions. Investors from different business environments need a standardized form of reporting business transactions to ensure a fair and equitable analysis of businesses, and proper peer-to-peer comparison of businesses operating in different legal jurisdictions. International Accounting Standards enable such analysis and comparison by ensuring that businesses adopt similar fundamental rules in reporting their activities. However, such adoption is dependent on who the business believes are its stakeholders.

Identify two important issues in international accounting today?

The two important issues affecting international accounting today are the different accounting standards or principles being used by businesses around the world; and lack of ethical principles within the accounting profession i.e. driven by agency theory. The different accounting principles have created the problem of comparability and increased in costs to the industries that fetch the services of accountant. The lack of ethical principles have led to the failure of companies.

If a company spends on training of personnel how does it account for?

In some businesses, it is an overhead cost and can be depreciated in accounting. Just like lights and building expenses, it is a business cost that must go into accounting. Check with an accountant about the different ways it can be a deductable expense.

Steps to convert single entry to double entry?

Single entry accounting can only be used for extremely simple businesses, like a lemonade stand in your front yard.Double entry accounting debits an account and credits a different account everytime there is a transaction.