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Yes alcohol affects how you bleed.Alcohol thins the blood,and if you are older in age and are taking a blood thinner be very careful as to when you go and have that done .

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Q: Does alcohol affect how much you bleed when you get pierced?
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How much do you bleed when you pierce your penis?

well my boyfriend pierced his pierced and all i can say is there was quite a lot of blood.

Is it normal for a nose piercing to bleed?

I've had my nose pierced three times and the only time it's ever bled was when I caught it on some fabric and it really, really got a hard yank. Even then it didn't bleed very much. So perhaps go back to the place you got it pierced and ask them about it.

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No. Blood alcohol level is a measure of how much alcohol is in solution in the blood. It is possible to affect the rate of absorption, but not the level that is reached.

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yes. Alcohol can make you bleed very heavily. you must see your doctor as soon as you can and get an alcohol test to see if there is too much alcohol in your blood causing the problem.

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Consuming 'too much' alcohol can make you drunk, and could eventually affect your health.

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You can drink alcohol, it's OK, but just not to much. That goes for pretty much everyone.

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If you drink too much it can damage your brain.

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It damages your brain and liver which may affect mental problems if it is drunk too much.

Why does my navel piercing keep bleeding?

When I got my nosed pierced it didn't bleed very much just like it would if I had gotten a scratch, but the guy that pierced my nose told me that he was surprised I didn't bleed very much because he said it depends on the person, like if you bleed alot when you get cut or something you're gunna bleed pretty good but they'll know what to do.

How does the drinking of alcohol affect an adolescent?

The adolescent becomes drunk if too much alcohol is consumed in too short a period of time.

How much is getting your ears pierced?

It depends on where you go to get them pierced. Some places will not cost as much as other places do.