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Algae have neither. Species of multicellular algae grow a body called a "thallus." A thallus may be simply a long string of cells, a bush-like or a feather-like structure, or a superficially plant-like structure, like those seen in kelp.

The stem-like portions of a thallus (in those algae species that form a plant-like thallus) is sometimes called a "stipe." (The leaf-like portion is called a "blade," and the root-like portion called a "holdfast")

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Q: Are the stem holdfast and blade of brown algae the same as stems roots and leaves of land plants?
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Which part of brown algae is most important in photosynthesis?

Most macroalgae (multicellular algae) are made up of three parts. The blade is a leaf-like structure that captures light and carries on photosynthesis. The stipe is the stem of the algae. The holdfast is the anchor for the algae; it holds the algae to a solid surface such as a rock or pier. Although the holdfast may look like roots, it does not function to get nutrients or water. Some algae may have a fourth structure, the pneumatocyst; this structure is an air bladder on the stipe or blade that functions to keep the algae afloat in the water column.

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The function of the leaf blade is to abosorb light and make food.

Why do you think that food is manufactured in the blade?

Maybe becos d food is transported frm d leaves 2 other parts of d plants.

Are petunia leaves simple?

A simple leaf is a single blade. Petunias have simple leaves.

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Where does new growth in plants take place?

Fresh growth in plants is called the meristematic parts of the plant. On a blade of grass, it would be the tip of the blade.

What part of a plant is the blade?

blade is a term that refers to the leaves - particularly grasses

What term describes leaves that are composd of two or more leaf lets on a common stalk?

The term that describes leaves composed of two or more leaflets on a common stalk is called compound leaves. Compound leaves have several leaflets attached to a central stalk, known as the petiole, rather than a single leaf blade. Examples of plants with compound leaves are poison ivy and clover.

What are characteristics of elliptical leaves?

elliptical leaves are sharply pointed at the apex and the base of a leaf , it says nothing about the length or the with or the blade.

What are the leaves tiny pores called?

Leaves have small openings called stomata on the underside of the blade. Stomata function in gas exchange.