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Yes, it starts with the producers - plants, then to the primary consumers - herbivores and omnivores, then to the carnivores then to the decomposers, which breaks down dead bodies into nutrients essential for plant growth.

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14y ago
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13y ago

no it doesnt

some energy may be lost during excreting waste , some energy may be lost due to respiration

therefore its unlikely the primary consumer to obtain all the energy from the producer.

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11y ago

All of the energy is released as heat energy.

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13y ago

No, they only transfer 10% of their energy while the other 90% is spent on themselves or wasted.

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12y ago

Energy is passed by the aun or other things eatig animals

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11y ago

All the energy that create consumers in for of ATP even and food, consumers can use it. Consumers are like parasits.


from Fat!!

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11y ago

No. Primary consumers (plant eaters) provide food for secondary consumers (meat eaters) in a food web.

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Q: Does all of producers energy go to consumers?
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Where does energy come from for producers?

The Sun....Now you could go more into detail about how they convert sunlight with sugars to make energy... if you would like to learn about that read up on photosynthesis!

Where does motion energy go?

"go" isn't really the right word, it transforms (like all energy) mostly into the form of heat energy.

How potential and kinetic energy have been used by the planet and living organisms?

Potential energy and Kinetic energy are used by the planet by our orbit. Earth has Gravitational potential energy and so do the other planets. When a bigger object with a gravitational field comes close to a planet or rock it is pulled into the field. The planet keeps wanting to go straight, but the field keeps it in orbit. Therefore the planet is always using potential and kinetic energy to stay in orbit. EDIT: Potential is the energy inside matter when it is not moving, and kinetic is inside when it is moving. For example; if a boulder is sitting on a cliff, it is potential. Then it falls and goes down. It is moving, so it is not kinetic. Then it stops moving, and it is potential again. So the Earth is moving, using the kinetic energy. Some of the life forms(like a person sitting doing nothing) on Earth are potential. The energy flow through living organisms starts with sunlight and photosynthesis, then travels through the food chain in bite sized chunks. Primary producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, and decomposers are all part of the food chain.

Where does energy go when it seems to disapear?

When energy "disappears" it has actually turned into heat. All reactions have heat as a waste product.

Can energy go through water?

Absolutely! Electric energy, kinetic energy, sound waves, light waves, heat ... all kinds of energy travel very well through water.

Related questions

Are bacteria a producer consumer or decomposer?

They can easily survive without any other organisms. So, as a group, they are producers, consumers and decomposers.

Why is there always more producers than consumers in a food chain?

because plants under go photosynthesis and make there own food to reproduce and create more producers. while consumers which are not plants and don't under go photosynthesis they are more liable to die out.

What goes after producers in a food web?

Consumers go after producers in a food web.

Are ducks producers?

As far as ecosystems go. only plants, trees, grasses are producers. Those that eat them are called consumers. Humans are those.

What are the roles of the producers consumers and decomposers?

Producers produce their own food, using photosynthesis to convert sunlight and oxygen into a simple sugar to consume. Consumers eat the producers and other consumers. They get energy from the things they eat. Decomposers break down dead organisms into chemicals to be put back into the soil. Producers use that chemical to grow. The cycle goes on and on, until some humans go and corrupt it.

What is the meaning of first level consumer?

The food chain goes Producer > Primary > Secondary > Tertiary Primary consumers eat producers, which are organisms that use photosynthesis to produce energy. Do not let people tell you that only plants go through photosynthesis. Cyanobacteria and algae do as well. And no, algae is not a plant.

Are birds consumers or producers?

Chicken is a consumer. Producers are (basically) plants, whereas consumers are animals that eat plants or other animals (very simplified).

How does energy go through the ecosystem of producers to consumers?

It decreases by 10%. A producer has 100% to start with, when an animal such as a deer eats the grass, shrub, flower, ect it only actually gets 10% of the energy. When a tiger eats a deer, the tiger is only getting 1% of the original energy, and so on.

How is matter and energy used in ecosystems?

Energy is described by a pyramid diagram (the ecological pyramid). There are 4 layers in the pyramid. The bottom layer is producers. They produce all the energy that goes up the pyramid. The second layer is the primary consumers, or herbivores, who eat the producers. Next, there is the secondary consumer layer, the organisms in it eat other consumers. Finally, there are tertiary consumers eat secondary and primary consumers.Note: as you go up the pyramid, the original energy from the level below it is reduced to 10% of the original energy from the level below it. The primary consumers get 10% of the energy the producers made, and so on, so the secondary consumers get 1% of the original energy, and the tertiary get 0.1% if the energy!See: for a picture of the ecological pyramid.

Does energy flow through an ecosystem?

Energy flows through an ecosystem in one direction, which is called the food chain. It's like a pyramid. At the bottom are producers. The producers contain the most energy gotten from the sun. The next are primary consumers. Consumers obtain energy by eating the producers The next layer are the secondary consumers. There may be another layer of consumers if there is enough energy in the system. Sunlight --> producers (100% of the energy) --> primary consumers (10%)---> secondary consumers (1%) The decomposers return some nutrients to the system are are active at all levels. As you move up each level the energy decreases. For example: Kcal = Kilocalorie (energy) For example: Grass, a producer produces 1,000 Kcal The grass is eaten by mice or rats, the primary consumer and gets 100 Kcal The mice or rat are eaten by ferrets, the secondary consumer and gets has 10 Kcal. The ferrets are then eaten by owls, the apex consumer gets 1 Kcal which may not be enough to support the owls. It can not go any further. In an ecosystem the energy flow depends on the 10% law.That is when energy is being transferred from producers to consumers and from consumers to herbivores carnivores ,etc. only 10 %energy stored in the previous level is taken and used by the next Trophic Level. energy flow (E) can be defined as the sum of metabolic production (P) and respiration (R), such that E=P+R. Below is the energy flow in the ecosystem: sun - Producer - Consumer - Decomposers - Inorganic nutrient pool.

How does energy flow through the environment?

Energy flows through an ecosystem in one direction, which is called the food chain. It's like a pyramid. At the bottom are producers. The producers contain the most energy gotten from the sun. The next are primary consumers. Consumers obtain energy by eating the producers The next layer are the secondary consumers. There may be another layer of consumers if there is enough energy in the system. Sunlight --> producers (100% of the energy) --> primary consumers (10%)---> secondary consumers (1%) The decomposers return some nutrients to the system are are active at all levels. As you move up each level the energy decreases. For example: Kcal = Kilocalorie (energy) For example: Grass, a producer produces 1,000 Kcal The grass is eaten by mice or rats, the primary consumer and gets 100 Kcal The mice or rat are eaten by ferrets, the secondary consumer and gets has 10 Kcal. The ferrets are then eaten by owls, the apex consumer gets 1 Kcal which may not be enough to support the owls. It can not go any further. In an ecosystem the energy flow depends on the 10% law.That is when energy is being transferred from producers to consumers and from consumers to herbivores carnivores ,etc. only 10 %energy stored in the previous level is taken and used by the next Trophic Level. energy flow (E) can be defined as the sum of metabolic production (P) and respiration (R), such that E=P+R. Below is the energy flow in the ecosystem: sun - Producer - Consumer - Decomposers - Inorganic nutrient pool.

You live in an economy with a circular flow of influences and inputs between producers and consumers Producers make goods and provide services that go to the consumers to be used Prices are determine?

Free market