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Q: Does an axon transmit a signal towards the next neuron?
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How does the nerve signal move through the neuron?

in transmitting a nerve signal such as from your hand to your brain, several neurons are involved. Nerve cells can receive and transmit signals.the dendrites of one neuron are close to the axon of another neuron. The point where neurons meet is called a synapse

What is a description of the generalized function of an axon?

If you mean the part of a neuron, then an axon transmits the signal created by the nucleus to another neuron. Myelin, the coating around the axon, helps make this process faster.

What are the two elements needed for neural communication to happen?

Neural communication requires an electrical signal to travel down the axon of a neuron, which is generated by changes in ion concentrations across the cell membrane. At the synapse, neurotransmitters are released from the presynaptic neuron and received by receptors on the postsynaptic neuron to transmit the signal.

When a neuron is depolarized to threshold?

1. The neuron fires an action potential, sending the electrical signal down the axon.

What part of a neuron that conducts the electrical impulse towards its destination?

The Axon

What generate and transmit nerve impulse?

A sensory stimulus can generate a neural impulse, as can repeated or multiple inputs of neural signals from other neurons.A neural signal is transmitted from one neuron to anotheracross a synapse via chemicals called neurotransmitters, and a neural impulse is transmitted along an axon of a neuron by either an action potential (in an unmyelinated axon) or by saltatory conduction (in a myelinated axon).

What does an action potential refer to as?

An action potential is basically the message which is sent by the neuron down the axon towards synapse.In other words it is the impulse or the electrical signal that travels along the axon due to difference in the positive and negative charges inside and outside of the axon wall.

What is a role of an axon?

the function of the neuron's axon is to carry messages to other cells

What does the axon bulb do?

It starts the transmission of a neural signal from one neuron to another.An axon ends in an axon terminal, which ends in a small rounded tip called the axon bulb. Each terminal lies very close to either a dendrite or a cell body of another neuron, and the combination of the end of the first neuron, the beginning of the next, and the space between them is known as a synapse; when a neural impulse reaches the axon bulb, it is stimulated to release chemical messengers called neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft (gap), which diffuse over to the second neuron, conveying the signal to the second neuron.

How does a signal cross from the axon of the neuron to the receiving cell?

When the electrical signal reaches the end of an axon, neurotransmitters are released. They travel across the synapse. Once they reach the receiving cell, they create a new electrical signal.

How does a signal crosses from the axon of a neuron to a receiving cell?

When the electrical signal reaches the end of an axon, neurotransmitters are released. They travel acrross the synapse. Once they reach the receiving cell, they create a new electrical signal.

Is it true that motor neurons pass messages from neuron to neuron?

Yes, an electrical signal is passed from the dendrites of 1 motor neuron, through it's cell body, through it's axon (the long tail looking feature of the neuron). It then travels through branches of the axon and forms synapses with other motor neurons, this is how the electrical signal is passed.