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I know that an octopus has 3 hearts, two do the same job. So if one of those hearts are damaged or not functioning, can it survive on at least a total of 2 hearts that are working properly? Brenden

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Q: Does an octopus need all 3 hearts to survive?
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Which of the sea creature has 3 hearts?

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What are some of those octopus species?

A giant pacific octopus have a huge head with 8 legs attch to it, it have pigment cells, tentacles all over it's body, it have 3 hearts; 2 brancial hearts and 1 systemic heart.

What are some characteristics of octopi?

The octopus is an invertebrate, which means it has no bones. The octopus is a cephalopod and this means a head with legs. The octopus has three hearts and they all are located in the head. Just like the hearts all organs are located in the head. The octopus has 8 flexible legs. Located beneath the legs are suction cups. The suction cups can taste and the suction cups can help it move across rocks and through the sea. The octopuses' legs encircle its mouth. The octopuses' mouth is a beak. The octopus has a funnel on its head, which helps the octopus escaped from predators.

Does an octopus have 3 hearts?

yes it does i found the answer in a book.

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There are a couple animals with more than one heart. A squid or an octopus both have three hearts. Although not technically a 'heart' in the sense that humans have hearts, earthworms have five hearts. A Hagfish actually has four hearts.

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All sharks have hearts. If they didn't, they wouldn't be able to survive because no blood would be able to pump through their bodies.

What abiotic factors do octopus need to survive?

Octopus are very good uses as for having as a pet. They bring joy to kids and they are very known to be looked at in aquariums. They are also good uses for bugs and eating other animals that you don't like. But other wise if you don't need an Octopus for any of these reason then you don't need one at all.

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