

Does animal cell have bigger vacuoles than plant cells?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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no it dosent, an animal cell has multiple small vacuoles, wile a plant cell has one or two big vacuoles.

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Q: Does animal cell have bigger vacuoles than plant cells?
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Related questions

Do animal and plant cells have vacuoles?

they both have vacuoles. plant cells have bigger vacuoles then animal cells

What vacuoles are bigger animal or plant cells?

Plants have bigger vacuole.Animals have small vacuoles

How do the vacuoles in animal cell differ from those in plant cells?

Vacuoles in a plant cell are bigger than animal cell vacuoles. In fact, some animal cells don't even have vacuoles.

What kind of vacuoles could a cell have?

Both plant and animal cells have the same types of vacuoles but, plant cells' are bigger than an animal cells'

Is vacuoles smaller in plant cells than in animal cells?

no actually the vacuole is bigger in the plant cell

What cells have vacuoles?

Plant cells

How are vacuoles in animal cells different from those in plant cells?

animal cells have either very small vacuoles, or no vacuoles at all, whereas plant cells have very large vacuoles.

How are the vacuoles in animal cells different from those plant cells?

animal cells have either very small vacuoles, or no vacuoles at all, whereas plant cells have very large vacuoles.

Does a animal cell have small vacuoles?

Yes. Animal cells have small vacuoles. Plant cells are the ones with a big vacuole. Animal cells also have two or three vacuoles while plant cells have one. But, plant cells, animal cells, and vacuoles are microscopic, if that's what you mean.

What is small in animal cells but large in plant cells?

Animal cells have small vacuoles, whereas plant cells have large vacuoles.

What type of cell is the vacuole in?

There are actually vacuoles both in plant cells and in animal cells. The vacuole in the plant cell is by far bigger than the one in the animal cells.

What do vacuoles in a cell do?

Vacuoles help to store mainly water, but they also store things like salts and carbohydrates. Vacuoles in plant cells are much bigger than vacuoles in animal cells.