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Yes ... but nowhere near as complex as sexual reproduction.

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Q: Does asexual reproduction require a complex structure?
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Does asexual reproduction require complex structures?

Yes ... but nowhere near as complex as sexual reproduction.

Does asexual require complex structures?

Yes ... but nowhere near as complex as sexual reproduction.

What type of reproduction that only require one parent?

asexual. its what plants do

What are the differences between species that require sexual reproduction and species that require asexual reproduction?

ones a hore and the others not

What is the reproduction method for green Chile?

the method of reproduction of green chilli is asexual reproduction as it does not require a partner for its fertilisation.....

What does not require the production of sex cells in asexual plant reproduction?


How many participant asexual reproduction require?

During asexual reproduction there is only need for one participant. Asexual reproduction is a form of reproducing in which offspring are created simply from one organism and they inherit genes of the singular parent only.


During asexual reproduction there is only need for one participant. Asexual reproduction is a form of reproducing in which offspring are created simply from one organism and they inherit genes of the singular parent only.

How can organisms or groups of organisms beifit from regeneration or asexual reproduction?

Organisms or groups of organisms benefit from regeneration or asexual reproduction because it does not require a two partners. This makes it a lot faster.

How does ulothrix reproduce?

Ulothrix is a genus of filamentous green algae that employs vegetative reproduction. Vegetative reproduction is asexual, and does not require seeds or spores.

What is asexual reproduction of advantages?

You don't need to find a mate, thus lower energy requirements per reproduction.The advantage of asexual reproduction is that organisms reproduce by themselves and only require a single parent cell.

Differtiat sexual reproduction to asexual reproduction?

Firstly, sexual reproduction requires the fusion of male and female gametes, in a process known as fertilisation, while on the other hand, asexual reproduction does not require the fusion of gametes. Secondly, sexual reproduction results in the offspring of the parents to have traits of both parents, due to the random fusion of gametes. While asexual reproduction results in the daughter organism being genetically similar to the mother.