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im like not really sure like, im not like to smart but like i think like its because of the cold like you know what i mean? like it has to be something to do with like that like the cold??? but yeah like im not like really sure like... so yeah i hope i was like some help like...

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Bacteria will grow more slowly in environments of low temperature.

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12y ago

when a bacteria at low temperatures like in a refrigerator or freezer in goes to bed and this is called dawn. i think its what i learnt in my tech food lesson!

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Q: What happens to bacteria at low temperatures as in a refrigerator or freezer?
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What happens to bacteria in a refrigerator?

they become unable to multiply. unlike humans, all bacteria are different and have varied temperatures at which they function best. just think of food in general--while putting your food in the fridge can limit the growth of bacteria for a short period of time (that's why we put food in the fridge), it will not prevent some bacteria from eventually growing (which is why food spoils even when it is kept in the fridge). even in extremely low temperatures (like the freezer), some bacteria will be able to grow--it all depends on the temperatures at which the bacteria function best.

What happens to orange juice left in a refrigerator for 5 months?

Eventually bacteria will grow and cause it to spoil.

What happens when you are stuck inside a freezer?

If it is operating, you will eventually freeze hard as a rock if you can't get out. If it is turned off, you will asphyxiate once you use all the oxygen. NEVER get inside a freezer or refrigerator even as a joke.

What happens most food poisoning bacteria at temperatures below 5 degrees celcius?

Most food poisoning bacteria can't continue to grow and multiply at temperatures below 5°C. There are some exceptions such as Listeria.

What happens when you thaw a turkey on the counter?

It could ruin. The outer parts of the turkey would thaw quicker than the inside parts and could possibly grow bacteria. The safest way to thaw a turkey is to move it from the freezer to the refrigerator at least 3 days before you plan to cook it. If it is a very large turkey, and depending on the temperature of the freezer, it could require 4 days to thaw.

What happens when a cup of water goes in the freezer?

I think you need to try this. Put water in the freezer and see what happens.

What happens to water in a freezer?

Water becomes ice cubes in a freezer.

What happens when frost builds up in the freezer?

Your food starts to get a freezer burn

What happens if you put a battery in the freezer?

it charges

What happens to bacteria at 63 degree celsius?

Bacteria in food reaching a temperature of no more than 63c is very dangerous. Bacteria thrive at this temperature. Food is in what can be referred to as a 'high risk or danger zones'. Food should not be consumed and should be destroyed.

How does a refrigerator keep food from rotting?

it compresses air in the pipe's behind the fridge and places it into chamber, to keep it cold it takes air from within the fridge and re-compresses it.A refrigerator will keep food cold by converting gas into liquid, then liquid into vapour. Basic physics maintains that when two surfaces come in contact with the other, the surface with the higher temperature will cool to equal the temperature of its alternate. Coils and metal parts inside a refrigerator are loaded with cold liquid. The liquid inside generates cold air outside the coils. This happens when the heat from inside the refrigerator reduces its temperature to "match" temperatures with the cold liquid inside the coils. When you open a refrigerator door, you generally will notice a dramatic change in air temperature. Food inside is kept cold because the refrigerator is able to convert gas into liquid. That liquid passes through a series of parts that can also opt to change that liquid into vapour--this is done by compressing molecules.

What happens if you put yeast in the freezer?

It would still be like normal, only frozen.If you have a GOOD freezer