

Does cats live in groups

Updated: 11/20/2022
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12y ago

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some cats do live in groups but most don`t.

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Q: Does cats live in groups
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Related questions

Do any big cats besides lions live in groups for some time?

No, lions are the only big cats that live in groups except for female that are caring for their young.

How do cats form groups?

you need to be more specific, groups of: people,musical,cells?

What does the family of wild cats look like?

With the exception of the lion, wild cats do not live in groups, except for a mother and her cubs. There are 36 species of wild cats and all but the lion live as individuals.

Do cougars live in alone or in packs?

Pumas are loners, except for females with cubs. Lions are the only cats that live in groups.

What is the group of big cats called?

There are 2 different words for it. "Clutter" or "Clowder".A group of wild cats is called "A destruction"

Are Ocelots solitary or pack animals?

Ocelots, like most cats, are solitary most of the time. Lions are the only cats that live in groups called prides.

Do cats live alone or in groups?

House cats are normally solitary hunters but live in a very ordered social structure with one another. Groups of cats will order themselves based on dominance. Wild cats are usually solitary except for lions, and in other breeds mating season.Yes, jaguars are solitary. They stalk and ambush their prey, and they are at the top of the food chain (apex).

Are there such things as clan cats?

There are groups of feral cats but no not really.

What groups are house cats divided into?

A group of cats is called a "clowder"! ^. .^

Do cats stay in groups?


Do cats live forever?

No, cats do not live forever. Most cats live for about 15 years, although many live into their twenties.

Do orangutan live in groups?

No, orangutans do not live in groups they live with there family.