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yes,cause your bunny will think you are a predator and run away from you and hiss.

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Q: Does chasing your bunny make him scared?
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How do you make animals using some keys on your keyboard?

here this is a cat: (>'.'<) ( uu ) here is a bunny: (\ /) ( . .) C(")(") here is a "mutant bunny": (\_/) (0_0) C(")(") here is "scared bunny": (\_/) (0.0) (")(") ( ) (,,)(,,)

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The bunny will be scared to death, but it won’t be eaten by the lizard.

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you yell though the mic to make it scared, then attack it. by bry master

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A bunny will not generally get stunned if you take a picture of it with a flash. They may get scared and freeze momentarily, but they are not stunned in the the classic sense.

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It starts by chasing the tiger and then it hides. The chasing will make the animal scared but when the animal realizes the tiger isn't chasing it anymore it starts to calm down and starts walking around. It doesn't see the tiger so it might creep closer and closer to where the tigers is hiding. Then when the animal is close enough the tiger pounces on the prey and rips it up.

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i was scared as a lonely baby bird ready for it's first flight as scared as a turkey in October? as scared as a bunny in a fox hole? as scared as a cat about to be run over? as scared as a person about to be executed?

Your bunny wont let anyone touch it what is wrong?

Well Your bunny is supposed to be very shy around others and tends to get scared of new faces and feels stressed out this is terrible because if a bunny gets too stressed it can die.

Whats wrong with my bunny he has his head tilted and he won't eat and he's flipping around everywhere I'm scared Please answer Fast it's heartbreaking to see him like this?

You bunny could be sick that is why he is not eating. The bunny could also be lonely.

How do you make a bunny with your keyboard?

(\_(\ (=':') (,(")(") And There Is your Bunny x

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Why does Melinda compare herself to a bunny when she encounters Andy Evans on the street?

Melinda compares herself to a bunny when she encounters Andy Evans on the street to show that she feels vulnerable, scared, and threatened by him, much like how a defenseless bunny would feel in the presence of a predator. It highlights Melinda's fear and powerlessness in the situation.