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No, unless the hamster has rabies. if the hamster is a household pet, then no. Hamsters rarely bite, anyway.

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Q: Does child need tetanus after hamster bite?
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Does your child need tetanus injection after hamster bite?

It would be a good Idea to get one just in case. I believe that in some countries (e.g. the UK) there is routine inoculation provided for tetanus.

Do you need a tetanus after a blue tongue lizard bite?

no you dont beacause blue tongue lizards cant bite hard

Do you need a tetanus shot if you received a human bite?

I was bitten by a mole a couple of days ago and went to see my doctor today. She recommended a tetanus shot, so I had one.

Can you hold your hamster to much?

no not at all. hamsters need to be held or else they start to become overprotective and start to bite you

Do a person need a tetanus shot if someone gets dog bite you He is up to date on his shots?

it wouldn't hurt to get a tetanus shot, but you definitely need to see a doctor. anytime you have a puncture wound from an animal bite, there is a VERY high chance of get a blood infection that can be extremely serious!!! if the animal is wild or abnormally vicious, you may need to get a rabies shot. if a human develops signs of rabies, it is too late!

If your hamster starts biting should you return her?

No. Once the hamster gets to know you he will no longer bite. Hamsters usually bite when they are young and nervous. They need to acclimate themselves to you.

Your winter white hamster always trys to bite you when you get her out?

probably because they need something hard to trimm their teeth because it is getting long.

What is the best pet for a child who cannot get a cat or a dog?

I would suggest a fish because they are easier to take care of because they dont need as much exercise as a cat or dog. A hamster wouldn't be bad if the child wanted a more playful pet than a fish, as long as the hamster doesn't bite. here's a list of a couple other animals: frog lizard bird guinea pig snake rabbit

Why did your hamster bite you?

You may have scared it and that was its reaction. If the hamster has never been handled before you need to be gentle and gain its trust before you try to lift it, see if it will take a treat or some food from your hand before you do anything else.

What can you do to avoide tetanus?

you need a jab

Do hamster bites hurt?

No. You should never punish your hamster. They are not going to listen to you if you punish them. I hope you weren't going to hit her/him for biting you. Trust me, they will like you if clean their cage often, give them fresh water everyday and healthy food.

Does gallbladder surgery include tetanus shot?

No, you do not need a tetanus shot for gall bladder surgery.