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Yes. During chocolate making, the fibrous husk that surrounds each bean is removed through a process of breaking the bean into pieces, separating the husk from the bean, and then winnowing away the lighter husk from the heavier nibs by use of vacuums or high-pressure fans. The pieces of bean created during winnowing are called cocoa nibs. (The nibs are often ground up before being used to make chocolate, the result being called cocoa mass or cocoa liquor.) It is the nibs that contain the caffeine found in chocolate. The more nibs (or cocoa mass/cocoa liquor) used to make a piece of chocolate, the more caffeine it will contain.

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Q: Does chocolate liquor contain caffeine
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Does vegan chocolate have caffeine in it?

All chocolate contains caffeine. Caffeine is a plant product and is completely vegan. What vegan chocolate does not contain is milk.

Does cocoa butter contain caffeine?

No, but the cocoa liquor and cocoa powder parts of the cocoa bean do both contain caffeine.

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Chocolate does not contain any caffeine. This is an urban legend. Caffeine is often confused with another alkaloid that has similar effects. The alkaloid is Theobromine, which is the active ingredient in chocolate and is toxic to dogs.

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Carob is not chocolate. It also does not contain caffeine. Carob can be used as a substitute for chocolate. Carob chips are yummy to snack on - they can be purchased in a bulk food store.

Does dark chocolate contain caffeine?

White chocolate contains only cocoa butter, not cocoa solids. Caffeine is only in the solids so white chocolate does not have any.

What contain caffeine?

Coffee...tea...chocolate and many soft drinks such as Coke and Mountain Dew. some aspirins contain caffeine too

What nuts contain caffeine?

One nut that contains caffeine is the Kola nut, which is used to make chocolate.

Do french fries contain caffeine?

Yes, chocolate chips do have caffeine in them, which stems from the natural cocoa bean.

Is there caffeine in bourbon biscuits?

Presumably yes, since they contain either dark chocolate or cocoa powder, which have caffeine.

Does chocolate contain alcohol?

No. Chocolate liquor is simply chocolate liquified before sweetening. If you asked this question on the internet, your answer is no like above. If you go to yahoo answers and ask this question, they say that chocolate liquor does contain alcohol, but its wrong and a myth.

In what foods and drinks is caffeine found?

Caffeine is found naturally in coffee, tea, and chocolate. Colas and some other soft drinks contain it.

Does cocoa-chocolate contain any caffeine?

No it does not. There was a science project done on it, and even IF it did it is not enough to effect you.