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If you shake the can then it wont only fizz and sizzle but explode because the citric acid will make the bubbles with the other ingredients will make CO2 and the solution will have no where to go but explode with a million bubbles coming out the can.

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13y ago
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12y ago

If you take a look at the ingredients pannel on the side of the can, most likely the first ingredient will be carbonated water. Carbonated water has a natural fizz creating the same fizz in soda.

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16y ago

The beverage is charged with carbon dioxide gas. Thus, we refer to the drink as being carbonated

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9y ago

The reason why Diet Coke has the most fizz is because Diet Coke has the most carbonation. Diet Coke is more carbonated than any other Coke product.

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14y ago

Because of the carbonated water.

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12y ago

Because it contains CO2 gas.

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Q: Why is Diet Coke fizzy?
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diet coke doesn't have any calories so that means that there is no sugar in it which gives it the diet taste, so coke has sugar. so dose coke zero!

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diet coke the ingredients they put in with the diet coke reacts faster then regular coke.

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Coke because Dr. pepper waters down faster.

What is another name for soda?

In the UK we dont use the work soda at all, we call it pop, fizzy pop or fizzy drink but mostly we call the drink by it's brand name e.g. I'll have a Coke, Diet Coke, Fanta, Tango, Pepsi etc. etc. Well where we live (which i am not giving away!) we call it Hymophonicalositka (hi-mo-phone-ika-lose-it-ca) BELIVE ME!!! (PLEASE!!) Because it is true!

What are the masses of Diet Coke and regular Coke?

I got 384 g for Coke, and 375 g for Diet Coke.

Why does regular coke sink but Diet Coke floats?

Diet coke is less dense than regular coke.