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I think so. Most insurance policies are sold under the understanding that you wont be involved in reckless acts that endanger your life. Driving without a valid drivers license would be considered willful endangerment of your own life. So, I would assume the life insurance will be void. Anyways to be 100% sure you can check with your insurance provider.

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What is the fine for driving without a valid drivers license in Virginia?

The same as the u.s. I lived there and my brother stole a car got caught drving with out a liscense/permit and cold'NT get a liscense until he was 18 years old

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Is drving with no insurance a minor traffic violation?

It depends upon your definition of "minor". In most states, motor vehicle insurance is a legal requirement, often subsumed under the state's "Financial Responsibility Law". The ticket that you are issued is, however, often considered to be a "non-criminal infraction". The type of insurance that is required varies by state. At one time, it was common only to have minimal coverage to cover one's own medical expenses and lost wages ("no fault" coverage), but inscreasingly, states have required some sort of liability insurance to cover the "other party" in case of fault. Whatever the type of insurance required by law, proof must generally be shown to register a car and to get or to renew a driver's license. If one is stopped for another violation and insurance cannot be shown (even if there is no collision), that is often a separate violation that can result in a license and registration suspension. All of the foregoing is general information. State law governs specific requirements.

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Nine hours averaging 65 mph

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whenever you feel hungry.

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For making sure people don't text and drive.

How many hours of drving from tyler tx to atlanta ga?

Around 12 hours

Can you fly to northern Ireland using your provisional drving licence as id?

Yes, you can, i did it a couple of years ago, with no problems.

How do tunnels help make drving around easier?

plzz answer i need to know too..latess(: