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Density will vary from place to place with ocean crust being denser than continental crust.

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Q: Does earth's crust have the same density?
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What is the denisty of the earths crust?


What are earths compositional layers in order of increasing density?

Crust, mantle, and then core.!(:

What causes the pressure to increase as you go deeper below the earths crust?

Because the density of the force increases.

Which is thicker earths crust or lithosphere?

the lithosphere and the crust of the earth are the same lithosphere is another word for crust so the thickest is both of them.

What do you think subduction means?

subduction is when a piece of the earths crust slides back into the mantle due to density differences

Why does the earths crust stay the same size?

The amount of crust present on Earth always stays the same. The amount of crust descending into the mantle is balanced by the amount of crust formed at mid-ocean ridges.

Earths crust is part of the?

The earths crust is a part of the outermost layer.

How do you get silicon out of earths crust?

Silicon is a mixture of the minerals of the earths crust. so.... silicon isn't something from the earths crust. -thanks for your question.

Which statement correctly describes the density of Earth's mantle compared to the density of Earths core?

The mantle is less dense than the core but more dense than the crust.

Compared to earths continental crust earths oceanic crust is?

thinner and denser

What is the size of the earths crust?

The Earths crust is approximately 650 km deep.

How wide is the crust?

how wide is the earths crust