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Regardless of the fat content of candy, it generally contains a high number of calories. If the calories consumed are greater than the calories burned, typically weight is gained. If you were to eat a no-fat, low-no sugar candy then weight gain would be minimal. If you are trying to gain weight it is not recommended either. It is not very nutritional and it is one of the worst foods to eat when trying to loose or gain weight.

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Q: Does eating candy cause you to gain weight?
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No but eating more because you are pregnant or sad might do it.

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Well keep on eating healthy but maybe eat a candy bar now and then but even if you have arrived at your desired weight keep on eating healthy or you might gain that weight back.

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Yes, you can gain weight eating fruit! Carbohydrates almost always cause weight gain, especially when overeaten. Fruit contains a great deal of fructose, which should be eaten in moderation to avoid weight gain. The good thing about fruit, is that it contains fiber which helps the body to avoid the sugar spike that you get from eating fiber-less sugary candy, etc. If you are trying to lose weight, avoid eating more than one piece of fruit a day. Also, NEVER drink fruit juice. Fruit juice contains all of the fructose from the fruit without any of the fiber. You might as well drink sugary soda.