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we live in souther Ontario and gets 10 below

dowe have to bring inside for the winter

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Q: Does eugenia topiary need to be taken indoors for the winter?
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Does the Birdhouse Spy Cam need to be taken indoors during the winter months in a cold climate?

Birdhouse Spy Cam should work fine in the winter.If it doesn't then take it inside.

Can Lantana be kept alive through the winter if taken indoors?

Lantana overwintering is possible with potted plants. ... Position the lantana containers indoors in an unheated room or garage. Place them near a window that gets diffuse light. Part of winter care for lantanas is to turn the pot every week or so to let every side of the plant have some sunlight.

Why would a cup of water evaporate faster in the winter indoors?

Yes Water can evaporate inside. Have you ever taken a really hot shower and then your mirror fogs up? That's because the water was hot enough to evaporate then condensed on your mirror.

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15 of the 21 Winter Olympic games have taken place in Europe.

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To grow petunias in winter, they would have to be taken inside.

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Not using a gas oven or stove to heat the home; not burning charcoal indoors; making sure there is good ventilation if using a kerosene heater indoors.

What do greenflies do in the winter?

obviously if they are in water they r taken a dip

Can you grow the Jasmine plant in New York?

Jasmine is a tropical plant. It can be grown indoors. It can grow in containers and taken outside in the summer.

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The summer Olympics are more popular than the Winter ones only because more countries participate, especially the ones that do not have winter like the ones in Africa

Compare those winter Sundays and the road not taken?

"Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden and "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost both explore themes of choices and consequences. While "Those Winter Sundays" reflects on the unrecognized sacrifices of a parent, "The Road Not Taken" focuses on the idea of choosing one path over another and the impact of that decision. Both poems evoke a sense of reflection on the past and the significance of choices made.

Where can one go to get photos taken for a model shoot?

There are numerous places to go in order to have photos taken for a model shoot. The choice depends on what type of look and effect the photographer and model are going for. Photo shoots have been taken indoors, outdoors, in water, in the dessert, in urban areas, rural areas, and suburban settings.

What is the cause of why some people get rid of water from getting wet umbrellas by abruptly closing and opening them several times?

They do it to shake the water off so that they drip less when taken indoors.