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unemiloyment came lack of education

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Q: Does illiteracy cause low income and unemployment?
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Is low wages a cause of unemployment?

No, because when you are unemployed it means that you don't have a job and aren't making any income.

What are some of the problems that the country Bolivia is facing today?

Poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, poor health care

Why female illiteracy is higher than male illiteracy?

Be cause females are held in low esteem in many parts of the world and people don't bother with their education.

What effects does unemployment have on the south African economy?

the higher unemployent is the low income for who those have no job,less income creat less spending in economy,less spending cause the low production and low profitableat the firm,the low profrit can make firm do shut down then they craeted more unemployement agian

What is the primary goal of programs such as unemployment benefits and low-income food programs?

To provide for the needs of the people

What are the effects of illiteracy?

Unemployment, Poor economy, poor health and chronic diseases, superstitions, crime, poor childcare, low standard of living, poor socioeconomic condition,

Why is the economy in Luxembourg so good?

luxembourg's stable, high-income economy features moderate growth, low inflation, and low unemployment.

What can happen to the economy when the level of unemployment is very low?

If unemployment rates are low, the economy will become stronger. This is because more people have jobs and income that allow them to spend more.

How does illiteracy affect the US economy?

== == Illiteracy means human capital is underdeveloped or the labor force is not skilled. This will deter investors since investors would not be too keen on investing in an economy with unskilled workers or the work received by this part of the labor force would generate low levels of income which would reduce their disposable income and in turn will make them financially vulnerable. Thus from an economic standpoint investors will be deterred and from a social standpoint, there could be unemployment or poverty which causes a whole host of other problems.

How does economic trends begin?

When there is unemployment in the society it's lead to vicous circle of powerty. in this reasult income per capita reamains low which leads to low savings..This further leads to low investment...when investment remain low its leads to low this whay the economy traped in the circle of poverty.. this circle comes into existance because of unemployment....

What is a social problem in Africa today?

Need access to education, and better health care.

What does the Phillip's Curve illustrate?

A graph that shows that there is a relation between unemployment and inflation: One can either have a high inflation and low unemployment or low inflation with high unemployment.