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AnswerYes it does make you bilingual because ASL is not English. It has its own grammar and rules. Pure ASL does not convey English; it conveys ASL, as it is a separate language in its own right. Therefore, you are technically bilingual if you know both English and ASL.


To know both a sign language and a spoken language is to be technically considered a "bimodal bilingual" (spoken and signed are the "modes" to which "bimodal" refers).

In some secondary schools, colleges, and universities in the U.S.A., students can offer (or study) ASL to meet a foreign language requirement.

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Q: Does knowing American Sign Language along with English make you bilingual?
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Technically, you're trilingual, and you'll probably get a decent bonus added to whatever your salary already is or will be.

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The advantages are largely the same as learning any other language... the ability to communicate in that language. English might carry a special advantage for people who work or live in an English-speaking country, or who do business in English. The side benefits of being able to understand jokes and read great English literature are there, of course... but those exist in any language, and (depending on how well the language is mastered) sometimes are never fully realized.

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English is a common language, therefore, knowing English will help you increase the amount of business you can do across the world. Many foreigners can speak English.

Akoy sayo at ikay akin lamang in english?

Without knowing what language akoy sayo at ikay lamang is from, we cannot translate to English.

How English Language help me in the future?

I don't know if English is your primary or secondary language, but English is used around the world in business and schools. If you are bilingual you are in a good spot because knowing more than one language is beneficial.

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There are no disadvantages to knowing more than one language.Being bilingual comes with many upsides, for example, you can work in different countries and may broaden your range of career paths, but there are few disadvantages, because knowledge is power.

What American Indian language was developed by a nonindian?

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