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Q: Does light travel fastest in glass or water or vegetable oil?
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Does light travel fastest in space in air in water or through glass?

Light's apparent speed is fastest definitely in a vacuum and slower in water or glass. Light in air behaves more like in a vacuum than in water or glass.

What is the fastest thing that can travel?

The answer to "What is the fastest thing that can travel?" is light. Light can travel faster than any other thing in the universe!

Can both light and sound travel through glass?

Both light and sound can indeed travel through glass. These are substances in which light and sound often travel through.

What materials can light travel through faster than it travels through air?

Light travels fastest through space which has no air. Space is a vacuum which is the fastest way for light to travel.

What happens to the speed of the light as it travels from the air through the glass and then through the water?

The light refracts due to the change in speed. The change in speed occurs because the light is travelling through a denser medium. So it will travel fastest through the air and slowest through the glass

What does light travel faster in?

It travels fastest in a vacuum.

Which travels sound or light?

Both light and sound travel. Light travels the fastest.

What does light travel faster through?

Light travels fastest through vacuum.

Would light travel the fastest through water glass or air?

It is not. The speed of light in any material is inversely proportional to the refractive index of that material. The refractive index of glass depends on the glass and so the speed of light varies between 156 and 204 million metres per second. By contrast, the speed of light in vacuum is nearly 300 million metres per second.Even in pure water ice, light travels at nearly 229 million metres per second. So there is no evidence whatsoever to support the question's claim of "fastest through glass".

What is a material through which light waves can travel?

Light can travel through transparent and translucent glass.

A material that light can travel through is?


What does Light waves travel the fastest through?

outer space