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It will use adenine, but thymine will be replaced by a nitrogen base called "uracil" in mRNA

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Q: Does mRNA use thymine or adenine in its genetic code?
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In the synthesis of mRNA an adenine in the DNA pairs with?


In the synthesis of mRNA an adenine in the DNA pairs with what?


Which RNA has thymine?

uracil but that's in rna its thymine in DNA

What determines the mRNA sequence?

The genetic code is determined by the specific sequence of four nucleotide bases that make up DNA. The bases are guanine, adenine, thymine, and cytosine.

What nitrogen base replaces adenine in mRNA?

This is the tricky one to remember: RNA nucleic acids contain uracil and not thymine. On DNA, adenine pairs with thymine, but on RNA, adenine pairs with uracil.

When the genetic code is transcribed from DNA to mRNA which nitrogenous base never appears in RNA and is replaced with uracil?


What are the base pairing rules of rna?

DNA: Adenine - Thymine Guanine - Cytosine RNA (URACIL REPLACES THYMINE!): Adenine - Uracil Guanine - Cytosine

Does adenine go with guanine or cytosine?

double-ringed purines

What is the genetic code found on mRna?

It is a direct - and exact - copy of the Genetic Sequence of the Dna; except that the base Thymine in Dna is replaced by the base Uracil in Rna.

What does AUCG stand for when talking about DNA?

Adenine, Uracil, Cytosine, Guanine (uracil replaces thymine in mRNA)

What mRNA base sequence would produce the amino acid chain His-Ser-Arg?

His is histamine, Ser is Serine, and Arg is Arginine. The mRNA codons are Adenine, guanine, cytosine, and uridine, which replaces thymine in the original DNA code.

Is mRNA used to carry the genetic code from DNA to ribosomes?

mRNA carries the genetic code to a ribosome.