

Does master chief die in halo3?

Updated: 11/20/2022
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13y ago

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No. If you play the last level and wait through all the credits without skiping them there will be a cut scene. It shows him going into cydro sleep in a freeze chamber.

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no. if you beat halo3 on legendary you see anther video it shows master chief and CORTANA alive

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No because odst is before halo3 and master chief came out in halo1 hehe i think?

Does master chief die on halo3?

No, Master Chief is not dead, he is drifting through space somewhere. If Bungie wants to make more money and keep customers happy they would do the best they could to keep him ALIVE.

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In the main campaign you can only play as Master Chief but in the multiplayer you can play as the Arbiter.

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In Halo 3, you play as the Master Chief, the last surviving super-soldier of the Spartan II group. In Halo 3: ODST, you play as an ODST instead of the Master Chief. There are also different weapons in ODST.

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Yes and master chief comes out naked at the end and has a big hairy wiener

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Actually there is no "Master Chief" in halo wars but only other Spartans and O.D.S.Ts but if you are referring to Halo3, no Master Chief does not die but goes into hypersleep.Halo Wars takes place 20 years BEFORE the other games. Plus, Halo Wars happened 20 years BEFORE Master Chief and the halo trilogy. Also all the Spartans in Halo wars are the spartan IIs in The halo trilogy was after the spartan III project

Is master chief still alive after he killed himself?

master chief is not dead. if you were playing halo3 and beat the game do not skip the credits there is still a ending. chief just goes in this cooler thing i don't know. but chief says tell me if you need me to cortana

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Why won't Master chief die?

He's master chief, he doesn't die because he is too awesome to die