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Some arthropods do molt after reaching maturity. However, most arthropod species only molt before adulthood is reached and not afterward. King crabs are an example of an arthropod that still molts occasionally after reaching maturity.

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Q: Does molting occur in arthropods at mature stage?
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Does molting occur in arthropods at immature stage?

Yes. In most arthropods, molting occurs at the end of every juvenile phase to allow the individual to accumulate more mass and bigger size while still retaining the exoskeleton. Molting usually ends once the animal achieves adult size, such as with insects and many arachnids. In other arthropods, such as with crabs, lobsters and tarantulas, molting continues even in adulthood.

What happens to arthropods during molting?

When it grows to big for its exoskeleton, like a hermit crab.

What are the stages of a thunderstorm in the order in which they occur?

1. Cumulus Stage 2. Mature Stage 3. Dissipating Stage

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The mature stage may be prolonged by a tilted updraft, but usually all the stages last roughly 10 minutes.

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No, heavy rain does not usually occur until the mature stage.

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Cumulus stage. Mature stage. Dissipating stage.

What are the three stages of thunderstorm development?

1. Cumulus stage 2. Mature stage 3. Dissipating stage

What is the mature stage of a thunderstorm called?

Just 'the mature stage'.

What is the sequence of stages in a thunderstorm?

The Three Stages are: - the Developing Stage/Cumulus Stage (which begins with up-drafts)- the Mature Stage (that has up-drafts, down-drafts, and a heavy amount of precipitation)- the Final Stage/Dissipating Stage (that has reduced precipitation)Hope that helped you out a bit. :)

What is molting period?

The insect stage between each molt is called an instar.

What stage of a thunderstorm does precipitation fall?

The Cumulus stage