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Q: Does muscle power depend on direction of fascicles?
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Does muscle power depend direction of fascicles?


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Why does girl power feel old compared to the superior muscle girl power?

because girl power had beef with muscle girl power and muscle won, making it superior

How does direction affect power?

direction affects power by saying yo this is the right answer..

what muscle transmits the power of the calf muscle to the foot?

Achilles Tendon

What is the ratio of the S.I. unit and CGS unit of muscle if muscle times speed equals power?

10 to the 5th power.

Is it true The more a muscle shortens during a contraction then the greater the power of the muscle?

No it is not true.

What is important when you make muscle power?


What is the source of chemical enegry used to power a muscle cell in your arm?

ATP is the source of chemical energy used to power a muscle cell in your arm.

What is the primary determinant of how much force a muscle can generate?

The main factor that determines the power of the muscle is the total number of muscle cells available for contraction.

What is a muscle found in the heart?

Cardiac muscle is the foundation of the heart. Cardiac muscle is an involuntary muscle meaning that it works on its own. You engage it like you would an arm or a let. The cardiac muscle has a built in system allowing it to be virtually fatigue resistant. This is because cardiac muscle is loaded with mitochondria which are a cell's power house or power plant.

What is origin of a muscle?

Movement happens at joints, with one bone of the joint moving freely while the other remains relatively stationary.Muscles are power engines for movement; they attach to bone on either end, crossing the joint as they do.The part of the muscle located between 2 ends is known as the belly of the muscle.All of this is significant because the size, direction and shape of the muscle and muscle attachments are part of what determines the range of motion of the joint, and therefore flexibility.