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Mutation of a gene is not necessary for Klinefelter's Syndrome. It is an autosomal disorder meaning that an entire chromosome failed to disjunction during anaphase and so there are 2 X chromosomes and a Y chromosome.

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Q: Does mutation occur in klinefelter syndrome?
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Related questions

Is klinefelter's syndrome caused by a mutation?

No it is caused by the Non-Disjunction of sex Chromosomes. Males with Klinefelter's syndrome have an extra X chromosome.

Does Klinefelter's syndrome only occur in boys?


Does a hermaphrodite have klinefelter?

People with Klinefelter's syndrome are not hermaphrodites, and people who are hermaphrodites do not have Klinefelter's syndrome.

Is klinefelter syndrome chomosomal mutation?

Klinefelters syndrome occurs in a male and it is when they carry and extra X chromosome having a total of 47chromosomes rather than the usual 46. Thus resulting in a chromosomal mutation.

What population groups tend to get Klinefelter syndrome?

Klinefelter syndrome typically affects males and is estimated to occur in about 1 in 500 to 1,000 male births. It does not specifically target any particular population or ethnic group.

What genotypes cause Klinefelter's syndrome?

The only genotype to cause Klinefelter's syndrome is XXY.

How do you get Klinefelter's syndrome?

Well you don't "get" it like you get a common cold. You are born with it due to a genetic mutation on your sex chromosomes causing the XXY gene instead of XY, like in a non-Klinefelter, male.

Who discover klinefelter syndrome?

Mr. Klinefelter

How many base pairs are in Klinefelter's syndrome?

there are five base pairs in klinefelter syndrome

Klinefelter syndrome is what?

what is kinefelter syndrome?

Is klinefelter's syndrome a abnormality?

Klinefelter's syndrome is not considered to be a variation of normal, so by definition it is abnormal.

How prevalent is the klinefelter syndrome in the population?

About 1/1000 to 1/500 males have Klinefelter's syndrome.