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Spontaneous remission occurs in two to eight weeks

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Q: Does optic neuritis go into remission?
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Related questions

How is optic neuritis treated?

Treatment of optic neuritis with steroids is controversial

Is optic neuritis related to multiple sclerosis?

There is a strong association between optic neuritis and MS

Does optic neuritis affect women more?

Seventy-five percent of patients with optic neuritis are women

Can optic neuritis cause Optic atrophy?


What age does Optic neuritis strike?

Optic neuritis tends to afflict young adults with an average age in their 30s

What is the medical term meaning inflammation of the optic nerve?

Inflammation of the optic nerve is called Optic neuritis. Optic neuritis can be caused by several factors such as hereditary disorders, toxic exposure, metabolic disorders such as diabetes or autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis. There is usually no visual evidence of optic neuritis. Pain upon eye movement is a clinical sign of such. Inflammation of the optic nerve is called Optic neuritis. Optic neuritis can be caused by several factors such as hereditary disorders, toxic exposure, metabolic disorders such as diabetes or autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis. There is usually no visual evidence of optic neuritis. Pain upon eye movement is a clinical sign of such.

What is the ONTT?

The Optic Neuritis Treatment Trial

Who treats optic neuritis?

That should be treated by an ophthalmologist.

Where does retrobulbar neuritis happen?

The optic nerve located behind the eyeball

Who is Optic neuritis more common in?

It is more common in young to middle-aged women

What is retrobulbar neuritis?

Nerve damage that occurs in the section of the optic nerve located behind the eyeball

Does Optic neuritis occur one eye at a time?

It typically occurs in one eye at a time (70%)